Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

ck adjustment . 
iization of algebraic 
object points. It is 
ws the object points 
that the orientation 
requirement to pro- 
ior (and sometimes 
vhich are inevitable 
ioned above, a rea- 
o steps: a) perform 
ernative representa- 
arameters obtained 
subsequent bundle 
result by consider- 
| and modelling the 
that the 
il. The main reason 
s essential, 
lanar object. points. 
not only happen for 
points, but already 
ired deviation from 
by the other draw- 
nal constraints, the 
unknown non-linear 
te the effects of the 
early obtained ori- 
rly coplanar object 
om a common plane 
if the internal con- 
id if algebraic error 
or this investigation 
ich is made up of 27 
escribes the relative 
es. Compared with 
o (the fundamental 
,uong and Faugeras 
] tensor with 81 el- 
the trifocal tensor 
matrix, due to the 
he quadfocal tensor 
This article is structured in the following way. Section 2 
gives an short overview on the properties of the trifocal 
tensor. In section 3 the results of synthetic experiments 
are presented, followed by an example using real data in 
section 4. The findings are summarized in section 5. 
The trifocal tensor is made up of 27 homogenous elements, 
thus can be visualized as a 3 x 3 x 3 cube of numbers. Slices 
in every direction of this cube return 3 x 3 matrices with 
special properties; e.g. [Ressl 2003]. These slices allow the 
determination of the six epipoles in the three images and 
the determination of the three respective fundamental ma- 
trices. In case of unknown interior orientation, the latter 
can be further used to derive a common interior orientation 
for the three images using the so-called Kruppa equations: 
e.g. [Hartley and Zisserman 2001]. Finally the fundamen- 
tal matrices and the interior orientation can be used to 
obtain the projection centers and rotation matrices of the 
relative orientation of the three images; [Ressl 2003]. 
The trifocal tensor can be computed from corresponding 
points and/or lines across the three images. Each triple 
of points gives 4 independent homogenous equations, so- 
called trilinearities, and each triple of lines gives 2 indepen- 
dent equations - all being linear in the tensor’s elements. 
Consequently, at least 7 point- or 13 line-correspondences, 
or a proper combination, are needed for the direct linear 
solution of the trifocal tensor minimizing algebraic error. 
The relative orientation of three uncalibrated images has 
only 18 DOF. Consequently 9 constraints must be satisfied 
by the 27 tensor elements, one of the constraints is the 
fixing of the tensor’s homogenous scale. Various sets of 
constraints were proposed in the past; see [Ress] 2003] for 
an overview. 
For computing a valid trifocal tensor, which satisfies the 
constraints, preferably by minimizing reprojection error in- 
stead of algebraic error, we have to use the so-called Gauss- 
Helmert model, [Koch 1999], also called general case of 
least squares adjustment. This non-linear iterative method 
requires approximate values for the tensor elements, which 
could be obtained from the direct linear solution. 
Note: In projective geometry every entity is represented as 
an homogenous vector, e.g. a 2D point x as x — (x, y, yt. 
Now suppose the point x is measured in a digital image 
with 2000 x 3000 pixels and is located far away from the 
origin of the coordinate frame. In this case the coordi- 
nates r and y will be in the order of 1000, whereas the 
homogenous extension still is 1. This difference in order 
between the Euclidian and the homogenous part will cause 
enormous numerical problems if such projective points are 
used to compute other quantities; e.g. the trifocal tensor 
from several point correspondences. These problems can 
be avoided easily if the projective entities are shifted and 
scaled prior to the computations. This procedure is due 
to Hartley, who used this for computing the fundamental 
matrix; [Hartley 1995]. He proposes to translate the set of 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
image points in the way that their centroid zc is moved to 
the origin and then to scale the translated points isotropi- 
cally by m — V2/s, where s is the average distance of the 
points from zc. 
In [Ressl 2003] the trifocal tensor is computed by different 
methods for different image configurations and for a vary- 
ing number of point correspondences; all with regard to 
nearly coplanar object points. These examples are based 
on synthetic data and shall demonstrate 
e the differences between minimizing algebraic and re- 
projection error, 
e the effects of considering or neglecting the internal 
constraints of the tensor, and 
e the impact of critical configurations; i.e. how close 
must points lie to the same plane so that the compu- 
tation fails? To answer this question the object points 
are placed inside a cuboid, which is then incremen- 
tally compressed in one direction till the computation 
fails; the compression for which the computation is 
still possible will be referred to as minimum thick- 
ness of the cuboid. 
Five different image configurations: ’Tetra’, ’Airl’ and 
‘Air2’ (with strong image geometry), and ‘Street!’ and 
'"Street2' (with weak image geometry), see figure 1, are 
summarized below. For each image configuration the tri- 
focal tensor was computed in five different. ways: 
"UCA": The direct linear solution or in other words the 
unconstrained solution (with 26 DOF) minimizing al- 
gebraic error. 
"UCR’: The unconstrained solution (with 26 DOF) mini- 
mizing reprojection error realized in the Gauss-Helmert 
model. This iterative estimation is initialized by the 
"UCA” solution. 
CR’: The constrained solution (with 18 DOF) minimiz- 
ing reprojection error. This iterative estimation is ini- 
tialized by the 'UCA' solution. 
"CR: This iterative estimation is identical to 'CR? but 
it is initialized by the known true trifocal tensor. 
CA’: This is a projection method, which returns that 
valid trifocal tensor TFT (with 18 DOF), represented 
by the vector q, which lies closest to the "UCA' solu- 
tion £; i.e. |TFT(t) — TFT(g)| — min. 
For each image configuration the object cuboid is filled 
with no — 512 points, which are then projected into the 
images and C 
is added. From these image points a small sample of k 
aussian noise with 1 pixel standard deviation 
correspondences is selected, starting from k — 7 (the min- 
imum number) up to k — 15. For these samples the tensor 

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