Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
between a pair of points is occluded (Paglierroni D. W. and 
Petersen S. M., 1994)( Paglieroni D. W., 1997)( Paglieroni D. W., 
1999)( Bittner J.). In our work, it is used to decide the shadows in 
the projected image. Shadow restoration commonly is 
accomplished by histogram approaches, or homomorphologic 
filtering (Castleman K.R., 1998 ). These methods adjust the 
intensity for each pixel in the image, instead of local processing 
for the shadow area. A local processing is fulfilling the shadow 
area by another image. To do this a pair of images is needed. In 
our work digital image processing technique is used to remove 
the shadows in the original image directly. 
The image used in our research is the aerial photo acquired by 
ADS40, which is a line scanning sensor. Another data is the 
digital surface model (DSM) of the same region. We developed a 
system to automatically detect, segment, and remove the 
shadows of the buildings. It first computes the space coordinate 
of a shadow from DSM by photogrammetriy and then projects it 
to the image plane. By integrated shadow detection, the shadow 
area in the image is segmented and labeled. At last the intensities 
of the shadow area are restored. In shadow computation and ray 
tracing, we proposed a building contour driven model. It is based 
on partial parameter plane transform (PPPT). In shadow removal 
we developed a method called companion area intensity 
mapping (CAIM). Experiments show that the system can 
precisely detect the shadow area and restore the brightness of the 
shadow to a natural visual effect. 
The photo scanned by ADS40 is rectified through level 0 and 
level 1 rectification to create the pseudo-orthoimage which is 
used in our research. We have studied three approaches to detect 
and segment the shadows in the image. 
The first one is to detect and segment shadows only using image 
analysis. The results are correct in most cases. However, because 
of the complicity of the urban circumstance, there may be some 
factors effecting the detection of the shadow. For example, the 
high reflectivity ground, the glass wall of the building, make 
shadow somewhere bright, and cause their intensities close to the 
non-shadow area. These shadows may not be detected by image 
analysis technology. Besides, the threshold of the segmentation 
is difficult to decide. Thus, the segmentation of the shadow is not 
reliable. The second one is to compute the shadow location in the 
RGB image by photogrammetric engineering, using camera 
model and digital surface model (DSM). If the DSM had been as 
precise as the image, the result would have been perfect. 
However, for the time being, this is not practice. The basic 
locations of the buildings in DSM have no problem, but the 
resolution is lower than the image. In addition, DSM is short of 
details of the buildings. From our experiments, using this method 
singly, the shadows detected in the image have some errors. 
Based on the above factors, the last one is to integrate the above 
two methods to adopt their advantages and abundant their 
shortcomings. In detail, since the locating of method 2 is reliable, 
the cast shadows are first computed by method 2, and based on it 
the shadow area and its corresponding bright area are segmented 
and labeled by image analysis. This strategy ensures correct 
shadow locating, and no false shadow or losing shadow happens. 
Meanwhile, the details of the shadow area shape persist. 
2.1 Coordinate Of The Shadow In 3D Space 
= | Line Extraction 
L/ ADS. 
Fore-end Shadow 
Back Tracing of the 
Same-Section Shadows 
Figure 1 Flow chart of space shadow detection 
The ADS40 model, DSM are used in this stage to figure out the 
space coordinate of a shadow. The shadow we care refers to that 
casts by a building. After all shadows are computed, they have to 
be decided if they are visible or not in the image. The algorithm 
of shadow coordinate in local space rectangular (LSR) 
system(ADS40 Information Kit) can be described by the flow 
chart in Figure 1. The LSR system is the object space under 
WGS84 used for photogrammetric processing. 
The altitudes of the sun can be represented by the zenith angle 
and the altitude angle. The two angles are independent obviously. 
We first rotate the DSM by an angle equal to the zenith, making 
the zenith angle is equivalent to point from the left to the right 
horizontally for the rotated DSM. Then we can compute the 

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