nbul 2004
ensing 52
. Digital
S.Gautama, W.Goeman, J.D'Haeyer
Dept. Telecommunication and Information Processing, Ghent University
St.Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
KEY WORDS: GIS, object recognition, road detection, change detection
In this paper we present a novel technique for automatic detection of road junctions in VHR satellite images. The detection is based
on an initially detected road network using a differential ridge detector. This is a standard technique for road detection. However, the
performance of .the ridge detector degrades in the vicinity of junctions because the line model on which it is based does not hold
anymore. We analyze the content and quality of the derived information layers of the ridge detector and show which information is
useful for the detection of junctions. The detected network is improved using a region growing and thinning strategy. Junctions are
detected based on this network using a shape analysis. This analysis puts restrictions on the appearance of junctions and allows for
an efficient filtering of false alarms. Experimental results performed on IKONOS images over the city of Ghent show a reasonable
detection rate with a very low false alarm rate can be achieved. This low false alarm rate is important for our purpose of quality
assessment as it requires reliable image information to make a robust comparison with the road database.
A major challenge in the production and use of geographic
information is assessment and control of the quality of the
spatial data. The rapid growing number of sources of geospatial
data, ranging from high-resolution satellite and airborne
sensors, GPS, and derivative geospatial products, pose severe
problems for integrating data. Content providers face the
problem of continuously ensuring that the information they
produce is reliable, accurate and up-to-date. Integrity
constraints are able to resolve certain issues in the data, like
valid attribute values or relationships between data objects. The
main issue is however the consistency of the data with respect
to the current "real-world" situation. Today the industry still
relies on human operators, who collect and interpret aerial
photos and field data to check and correct the current state of
the data. Especially for detailed data over large regions, like
digital road maps or topographic maps, this is a very labour-
intensive and costly process. In addition, human processing is a
source of error and inconsistency. Automated detection of
change and anomalies in the existing databases using image
information can form an essential tool to support quality control
and maintenance of spatial information.
The main problem however are the differences in data
representation. To be able to compare geospatial vector data
with images, the information in the images needs to be
described in terms of object features. Automatic detection of
man-made objects is a difficult problem. Shadow, occlusion and
variety in appearance all give rise to a fragmented and
imprecise description of the image content, especially if
consistent detection is required over large datasets. Within the
field of automatic quality assessment, there is a high need for
powerful detection techniques but with a strong emphasis on
reliability. From the viewpoint of the data provider, a statement
about the quality of his data is only useful if the statement can
be made with high reliability.
In our work, we investigate a system for change detection based
on object based spatial registration, where detected object
features in the image are registered to corresponding features in
the vector data. The system consists out of two stages: 1) a low-
level feature detection process, which extracts information
about the road network, and 2) a high-level matching process,
which uses graph matching to find correspondences between
the detected image information and the road vector data
(cfr.Figure 1). The graph matching process is driven by the
spatial relations between the features and takes into account
different errors that can occur (e.g. spatial inaccuracy, data
inconsistencies between image and vector data). The matched
features can be used to calculate a local transformation between
image and vector data, which is able to compensate for local
distortions that can occur between the datasets. Additionally the
object-to-object mapping is useful to define measures of change
between datasets.
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Figure 1. System overview for object based quality assessment.
Although much effort has been spent on designing algorithms
for road detection, the complexity of the problem is still not
fully tackled. In this paper we examine road detection using a
ridge detector. Lines in an image can be seen as narrow valleys
or ridges in the intensity surface if one views the image as a
terrain model. This ridge model works well for roads which are
bordered by homogeneous regions like fields. However in the