Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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Figure 2. Example of ridge detection. (a) original, (b) detected 
ridge pixels, (c) thinned result, (d) filter on minimal segment 
The roads that can be extracted using the ridge detector are not 
of sufficient quality to be useful for registration with a road 
vector layer. The main difficulty is the difference in 
representation between the pixel chains that are detected in the 
image and the polyline vectors that represent roads in the 
database. This difference hinders the correspondence problem 
considerably. A much more robust registration object is 
necessary. Road junctions are good candidates since in their 
abstract form, they can be represented as point objects both in 
the image as well as in the database. This reduces change 
detection to the comparison of sets of points, for which several 
reliable techniques are available (e.g. Gautama and Borghgraef, 
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Figure 3. A junction defined a chain pixel with three or more 
We model a road junctions as points in the road network, at 
which three or more road segments meet. A similar definition 
has been used by Wiedemann (2002). This means that built 
upon the road network that is detected using ridge detection, we 
look for pixels in the pixel chains which have three or more 
neighbours. We chose this strategy above corner detection, 
because corner detection gives many spurious responses not 
belonging to road junctions, which are not easy to filter out. 
Our method is more specifically tuned to the road network 
A major problem however is that the road network as is 
detected, fails in the vicinity of junctions since the ridge model 
does not hold anymore. At the junction, the intensity surface 
will not appear as a valley or a ridge but as a flat spot. Pixels at 
a junction will show a low gradient and a low curvature in both 
directions. Figure 6 illustrates this problem. Figure 6b shows a 
junction with the detected pixel chains in overlay. The road 
network is typically broken at junctions. Figure 6a shows the 
corresponding eigenvalue A;. In the center of the junction, the 
flat spot area can be seen quite clearly. It should be noted 
however that this flat spot not only occurs at a junction, but it 
can also be caused by buildings and other compact structures. A 
flat spot as such is therefore not sufficient to reliably detect 
junctions and the information about road network should be 
used to further characterize a junction. 
For this, we implemented a region growing scheme which 
extends the initial road segments with regions which show a 
similar grey value. Region growing is a standard segmentation 
algorithm which works with either grayscale or multispectral 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
images (cfr. Levine and Shaheen, 1981). It is a queue-based 
algorithm which iteratively grows regions starting from seed 
regions to form homogeneous area s in the image. In the 
simplest case, a pixel will be included in a region if it is 
adjacent to another pixel in the region that has a intensity value 
that differs less than a given threshold 7. If there are multiple 
bands, the threshold criterium must hold for all spectral bands. 
The algorithm can be extended by applying adaptive 
thresholding. The threshold is modified dynamically according 
to the mean and standard deviation of the region as it is being 
grown. The modification equation is based on an algorithm by 
Levine and Shaheen (1981) and is given by: 
T" zl1-min(0.8, — 7^) | 7" (4) 
with 7^-T. Thus the adaptive threshold will never be larger 
than the value of the initial threshold 7, but it can become much 
smaller. Using the adaptive threshold can help to prevent 
"bleeding" across slow image gradients. 
Figure 4. (a) initial detection, 
(b) detection after region growing and thinning. 
The process to improve the initial ridge detection result 
contains the following steps: 
I. the road segments that have been detected using ridge 
detected are filtered on size, where only segments of a 
certain size are kept as initial seeds; 
2. based on these seeds, region growing is applied using 
the adaptive threshold; 
3. morphological thinning is performed to produce a line 
of single pixel width. 
In the last step, the maximum supression technique which is 
typically used in road detection to produce single pixel lines, 
cannot be applied because of the flat spot that occurs in 
junctions. Selecting the pixels of maximum curvature would in 
this case produce unwanted cycles around the flat spot. The 
thinning process does not have this problem and can produce. 
‘cleaner junctions. 
For roads which are adequately detected, this process proves to 
be sufficient in many cases to bridge the bad spots at junctions. 
Figure 4 shows the result after region growing. Figure 4a shows 
the initially detected ridge pixels. Figure 4b shows the resulting 
segments after region growing and the pixel chains after 
thinning. Segments of small size have been filtered out. 
Based on the improved road network, road junctions can be 
detected using the neighbour definition. The simple scheme is 
of course not fool proof. A cheap and efficient verification to 
filter out false alarms is to check if in the vicinity of a 
hypothetical road junction a flat spot exists. Road junctions are 

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