Metadata: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

. Istanbul 2004 
rulings of the 
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normal and the 
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ilatching can be 
it view points, 
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orientation in 
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ting coefficient 
or observed 3D 
yn the surface of 
ssible in a final 
nensional object 
o the rectified z- 
axis (perpendicularity) during the whole data acquisition from 
the different view points of the scene, the ascending order of the 
corresponding candidates in the different evaluated feature lists 
is identical, which will be described more detailed in section 4. 
Erop = j (Preighbor ? C jeighbor ) (3) 
3.2 The matching strategy 
Due to the fact that the amount of accepted features can be 
controlled by the rigidity of particular thresholds, a simple 
strategy for the matching is to assess all possibilities of 
combinations. This is only possible if criteria can be used 
whose influence is restricted to the individual point. 
For combinatorial criteria optimization methods, e.g. graph cuts 
(Huber et al. 2001) or Simulated Annealing (Weisensee and 
Wendt, 2003, Luck et al., 2000) have to be used. To avoid 
optimization methods Chen et al. (1999) used a modified 
RANSAC (Random sample consensus) method. They randomly 
select the minimum size of sets to estimate the transformation 
parameters and assess the solution. They stop their algorithm, 
when the consensus is found. 
In the following the metropolis algorithm is briefly introduced, 
to give an idea about the principle (cf. Press et al. 1992). 
3.2.1 Simulated Annealing — the Metropolis Algorithm 
The term annealing originates from the controlled heating and 
cooling of material, e.g. metal. In case of liquefied metal a slow 
cooling leads to a regular structure having a low energy level 
while a fast cooling leads to irregular structure at a high energy 
level. In a controlled operation of heating and cooling the 
energy of the material rises temporarily but in total it can be 
reduced to a global minimum. Thus, the metal is tempered. The 
transfer of this principle to a procedure for the allocation of 
corresponding candidates leads to an algorithm as shown in fig. 
The solution for the unknown corresponding candidates is 
initialized by random numbers. Depending on the energy of the 
initial solution a starting value for the equivalent of the 
temperature 7, is determined. The relation given in equation (4) 
has been derived in (Weisensee, 1992) to assure that a new 
correspondence will be accepted by the algorithm at 
. temperature 7, according to equation (5) with a probability of 
approximately 0.5 even if the energy of the system increases. 
L>AL%1 4 (4) 
Starting from this temperature the system is cooled down after it 
has reached the equilibrium, i.e. when the energy of the system 
does not decrease any more or if a specified number of 
iterations have been processed. Until equilibrium is achieved, 
new corresponding candidates are randomly allocated. They 
give rise to a change of energy AÆ compared with the previous 
solution. A new solution is accepted always if the energy 
decreases. Otherwise, it is accepted with a probability 
AE.) = Iz | 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
with T, » 0. k- Boltzmann constant (5) 
Warming up 
New Solution {|< 
Calculate Energy 
+ Y 
Accept Accept f(AE, T) 
Decrement T 
Figure 6: Principle of the metropolis algorithm 
depending on the change in energy AE and the current 
temperature 7; of the system. The temperature is reduced by a 
constant factor qc which leads to a geometric series of numbers 
T.. Ti ge with 
gc 0. (6) 
This scheme is repeated until the system is frozen. 
Here, the processing of the data set is described. First the 
features will be extracted with the IBPC operator. For the 
corner extraction with SUSAN a radiometric threshold of t=20 
grey values and g = 50% of the area of the circular mask is 
used. For the geometric acceptance a viewing angle of max. 60° 
is allowed and a max. point residual of 300 mm to the adjusted 
plane. The discrete 31 x 31 pixels orthoimage is calculated with 
a resolution of 30 mm per pixel in object space. The amount of 
SUSAN features per photogrammetric image is reduced from 
approximately 10 000 to approximately 500 features. 
For the validation all possible combinations of candidates are 
calculated. Only the combinations with a non-ambiguous 
correlation coefficient in relation to the other solutions are 
accepted. Here, the threshold is set that the largest correlation 
coefficient is 10% larger than the second largest. This gives 

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