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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
rule; however, in addition to that, it could be also a
consequence of complexity reduction by data compaction
(Hughes, 1968).
Since the classification process is performed in the feature-
space (rather than in the observation-space) the algorithm is
much faster than conventional ones. The object appearance in
the feature-map can be incorporated (by visual assessment) into
the feature selection strategy for extraction of more complex
objects in the scene. In summary, it appears that the proposed
object-feature extraction process has several advantages over
most of the conventional techniques.
Ghassemian, H. and D. Landgrebe. 1987. An Unsupervised
Feature Extraction Method for High Dimensional Image Data.
IEEE Proc. on System, Man and Cybernetics, vol.2, pp.540-
544, Oct. 1987.
Ghassemian, H. and D. Landgrebe, 1988. On-Line Object
Feature Extraction for Multispectral Scene Representation.
NASA_TR_EE 88-34, Aug. 1988.
Ghassemian, H. and D. Landgrebe, 2001. Multispectral Image
Compression by an On-Board Scene Segmentation. Proc. Of
IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2001 Symposium.
Scanning the Present and Resolving the Future, July 2001.
Ghassemian, Hassan, 1990. Adaptive Feature Extraction for
Multispectral Image Data Representation. /A4STED Control and
Modelling Conf. pp.277-282, July 1990.
Hapke, B., 1993. Theory of Reflectance and Emittsnce
Spectroscopy. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993.
Hughes, G., 1968. On the mean accuracy of statistical pattern
recognizers. [EEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. IT-14, no.
l, pp. 55-63, 1968.
Kettig, L. and D. Landgrebe, 2001. Classification of Remotely
Sensed Multispectral Image Data by Extraction and
Classification of Homogeneous Objects. /EEE Transactions on
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. GE-39, No.1, pp.4-16, 2001.
Landgrebe, David, 2004. Hyperspectral Image Data Analysis.
Dept. of EE, Purdue University. http://dynamo.ecn.pur-due.edu
Tso, B. and P.M. Mather, 2001. Classification Methods for
Remotly sensed Data, Taylor & Francis printed in London and
New York, 2001.
Number of Features=369600 Bytes
True Class Classifier results
Corn Soybeans | Woods Wheat | Sudex Oats Pasture Hay Nonfarm | Totals | %Corret
Corn 8942 102 145 149 ] 22 0 22 721 10104 88.5%
Soybeans 6 11717 482 108 8 87 0 14 488 12910 90.8%
Woods 4 10 328 3 0 ] 2 0 41 389 84.3%
Wheat 0 8 8 732 0 24 0 9 163 944 77.5%
Sudex 0 17 0 0 1175 21 0 2 4 1219 96.4%
Oats | 12 0 8 3 508 0 28 43 603 84.2%
Pasture 0 0 0 0 0 0 307 0 32 339 90.6%
Hay 22 | M 21 3 S2 0 502 54 746 79.4%
Nonfarm 17 69 14 68 ] 111 9 81 3176 3546 89.6%
Totals 8992 11936 978 1089 1191 826 318 748 4722 30800 89.2%
Overall Performance = 89.2% CPU Time = 51.52 Seconds
Table 1. Pixel-Feature performance using Bayes MLC
Number of Features=13,692 Bytes. Compresstion Coefficient = 27
True Class Classifier results
Corn Soybeans | Woods Wheat | Sudex | Oats Pasture Hay Nonfarm Totals | %Corrct
Corn 9592 123 17 67 0 6 0 66 233 10104 94.9%
Soybeans 24 12409 209 74 | 27 0 11 155 12910 96.1%
Woods 0 4 385 0 0 0 0 0 0 389 99.0%
Wheat 6 11 12 824 0 11 0 0 80 944 87.3%
Sudex 0 9 0 0 1193 13 0 3 1 1219 97.9%
Oats 4 I 0 2 0 588 0 0 8 603 97.5%
Pasture 0 0 0 0 0 0 339 0 0 339 100.0%
Hay -| 45 0 0 0 9 | 0 691 0 746 92.696
Nonfarm 69 136 12 94 8 244 0 118: 2865 3546 80.8%
Totals 9740 12693 635 1061 1202 890 339 889 3342 30800 93.8%
Overall Performance = 93.8% CPU Time = 1.88 Seconds
Table 2. Object-Feature performance using Bayes MLC