Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
calibration including the inner orientation of the imaging 
sensor. In addition it is important how often the system has to 
be calibrated. On one side we do have the economic aspects, on 
the other side we do have the required accuracy and reliability, 
so a compromise between both is required which may be 
dependent upon the product specifications. 
For the correct estimation of the pros and cons, the possibilities 
and requirements of the preparations have to be analysed 
because of their strong effect to the economie situation and the 
required additional handling time. 
The direct sensor orientation is based on a combination of an 
inertial measurement unit and relative kinematic GPS- 
positioning. Instead of the sometimes uses expression inertial 
navigation system (INS), the expression IMU is used because in 
this case the identical hardware for both applications will not be 
used for navigation, but only for the registration of the attitude 
and position data. The IMU attitude information and the 
position, which is based on a double integration of the 
acceleration, do have only good short time accuracy. By this 
reason the IMU has to be combined with the GPS-positioning 
which has an absolute accuracy. On the other hand GPS cycle 
slips can be determined by the IMU, so the combination of both 
lead to an optimal solution. 
The orientation of the imaging sensor is requested, so the IMU 
has to be fixed to the sensor. The mounting can only be done 
approximately parallel to the system of sensor axis requiring a 
calibration of the relation IMU — sensor. 
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GPS antenna f J 
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" 5 p, 
& Z 1 DL j "s s rae 
f RAEI T vti 7 
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F— "FEN NV Camera 
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Figure 1. Relation camera — IMU — GPS antenna 
The offset of the GPS-antenna can be measured and respected. 
More difficult is the relation of the IMU to the camera. This 
boresight misalignment has to be determined by comparison of 
the IMU-attitude and position data with the exterior orientation 
of a controlled block adjustment. As reference at least a block 
containing 2 flight strips, flown in opposite direction, should be 
used to enable the separation of shift values in the ground 
coordinate system from shift values depending upon the flight 
direction. The GPS shifts cannot be separated from the position 
of the principal point if we do have only one flight direction. 
If the reference block will be flown with the same altitude 
above ground like the project area, the determination of the 
boresight misalignment is sufficient. Discrepancies of the focal 
length will be compensated by the same flying height, but if the 
height is different, a system calibration is required. 
The interior orientation is determined in laboratories 
under constant and homogenous temperature conditions. 
Under actual flight conditions, the temperature is 
different and we do have a not neglect able vertical 
temperature gradient in the optics causing a lens 
deformation. Meier (1978) has made a theoretical 
investigation of the resulting change of the focal length (table 
In general the values have been confirmed by empirical tests, 
but the values are just rough estimations which have to be 
checked under operational conditions. The same problem exists 
with the principal point location. 
lens in free atmosphere 
flying height 6km 14km 
wide angle camera -47 um -80 um 
normal angle camera 
-110 um -172 um 
Table 1. Change of the focal length depending upon the flying 
altitude (Meier 1978) 
An error of 47um for a focal length of 153mm is changing a 
flying height of 1530m above ground (image scale 1 : 10 000) 
by 0.47m. This is important for the direct georeferencing but 
not so much for a usual image orientation by block adjustment 
with control points as reference. In the case of a flat area such a 
deviation of the focal length has no influence to the ground 
points and for an undulating terrain with 100m difference in 
height against the control points, the influence is limited to 3cm 
in Z. Or reverse, the influence to Z is only exceeding the usual 
vertical accuracy of 0.01% of the flying height above ground if 
the height difference against the control points is larger than 
30% of the flying height. Such relative height differences only 
will be reached under extreme cases of steep mountains. 
Based on projection centres determined by relative kinematic 
GPS-positioning, a correction for the focal length can be 
computed as well as the location of the principal point. But we 
have to expect also constant errors of the GPS-values and 
caused by the extreme correlation, it is not possible to separate 
the influence of the inner orientation from constant errors of the 
GPS-values if we do have only one flying altitude. For a 
complete calibration under flight conditions it is necessary to 
have at least 2 quite different flying altitudes with GPS-values 
for both. The constant GPS-errors are the same for both flying 
altitudes, but the inner orientation has an effect linear 
depending upon it. So indirectly the inner orientation will be 
determined based on the difference in the flying altitudes of 
both flight levels. 
Corresponding to the investigation of Meier (1978), the focal 
length will not be the same for both flying heights. So by theory 
a third flying altitude would be required for the determination 
of a linear change of the focal length as a function of the flying 
height. But this is not necessary for operational projects. The 
common adjustment of GPS-shift* values and the inner 
orientation corresponds to a three-dimensional interpolation 
which is sufficient for different flying altitudes. 
Empirical investigations have been made with the data of the 
OEEPE-test “Integrated Sensor Orientation” (Heipke et al 
m 0) 
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