Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 1. Pavia’s GPS and levelling networks. Blue triangles 
are the GPS network vertices, red circles represent levelling 
benchmarks, green lines are levelling paths. The black triangle 
represents the GPS permanent reference station 
Min Max Mean Std 
e 0.12 0.44 0.220 0.097 
n 0.09 0.42 0.181 0.097 
u 0.42 1.28 0.607 0.237 
Table 1. Mean statistical parameters of standard deviations s of 
the network vertices, referred to a local Cartesian coordinate 
system, measured in centimetres 
The greater part of the network's points have been connected 
by geometric levelling, so that we know, for each levelled point 
of the network, the ellipsoidal height, as well as the orthometric 
height. This allowed us to estimate a very detailed model of 
geoid undulations: we verified that its mean square error is 
around four centimetres. 
4.2 Cartography 
There are many different cartographies concerning Pavia. Their 
scales range from 1:500 to 1:100.000. Table 2 summarizes the 
main features of those characterized by large/medium ratio 
Scale support covered Owner tion/last 
ype area update 
ee f City Cen- | y viacity 1984 
raster tre 
12000 | Paper& | whole | \Paviacity | 1982/2000 
vector city terri- 
Paper & m The 
1:10000 | ?P*! woe Lombardia | 1983/1994 
raster regional uas 
Table 2. Main characteristics of the available cartographies con- 
cerning Pavia 
Moreover we have a colour orthophoto whose GSD is 12 cm, 
produced in the year 2000 by the Italian company CGR within 
its Terraltaly City program. The company kindly granted us the 
use of the photographs, free of charge. 
4.3 Lidar datasets 
There are several lidar datasets acquired with different sensors: 
Optech 1210, Toposys I, Optech 3033. 
4.4 Check areas for lidar datasets 
There are check areas constituted by GPS and classical ground 
surveying measurements of flat areas, such as tennis courts and 
car parks, and of ramps. 
Figure 2. Example of a flat 
check area 
Figure 3. Example of a check 
area constituted by a ramp 
4.5 The AGCPs set 
The first set of ground control points is constituted by 169 arti- 
ficial ones which are white squares of 35 cm. They homogene- 
ously cover the whole test site, which is 6 x 4.5 km wide. 
Figure 4. Distribution of the AGCPs over the test site 
The aerial images which have been acquired over Pavia have 
scales of 1:5000, 1:8000 and 1:18000, which are generally used 
in Italy to produce maps at the scales 1:1000, 1:2000 and 
1:10000. The size of the markers has been carefully tuned in 
order to have optimal vision on aerial images whose scale is in 
the range 1:5000 — 1:8000. Nevertheless, the markers are usu- 
ally visible on the 1:18000 images, although with difficulty. 
Prior to the creation of the complete set of markers, we created 
a couple of test sites, constituted by samples of different sizes 
and shapes, shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. 

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