Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
orientation, which act as input data for the feature based spatial 
resection. The other way is to start the process if initial values 
are existing. In that case we have good basic information, hence 
we can extract the necessary features more specific. To identify 
the object and regions of interest for feature extraction a 
“General Hough Transform” is utilized. Once the regions are 
known and the features extracted, the spatial resection algorithm 
is started to compute the exterior orientation parameters. 
Input: collected image ] 
Input: City model ] 
Input: rough exterior orientation 
General Hough Transformation 
(extraction of areas of interest) 
manual feature extraction 
(whole image) 
automatic feature extraction 
(whole image) 
automatic feature extraction 
(in areas of interest) 
Searching for 
semi automatic 
semi automatic 
image features 
and model 
(feature based) (feature based) 
( Spatial Resection (feature based) | 
Exterior Orientation 
Figure 7. Process for determination of exterior orientation 
Several examples were choose to investigate the feasibility of 
our approach. The investigations are based on a 3D CAD 
dataset of the city of Stuttgart provided by the City Surveying 
Office. This 3D CAD city model was created by manual 
photogrammetric stereo measurements (Wolf, 1999). In the 
dataset of the City Surveying Office a large amount of detail is 
available and its accuracy is high. Therefore we decided to use 
this dataset. Additionally also a synthetic dataset was prepared 
to be able to study the quality of the feature based method. In 
the synthetic dataset an ideal camera was simulated for 
projection of objects into image space. The advantage of the 
simulated dataset is that there are no distortions in the image 
Space, which offers the possibility to study the quality of the 
feature based spatial resection method. 
real dataset: 
rough exterior orientation (collected data) 
X |910.62 m € | 10.63? 
Y |89.17m o | 64.7? 
Z 158.15m K | 0.0° (predefined) 
spatial resection 
points straight lines differences 
X | 904.45 m 904.66 m AX] | 0.21 m 
Yl7213m 72.4] m |AY] 0.28 m 
Z | 52.46 m 52.28 m IAZ| 0.18 m 
o [ 9.9 10.1? le | 0.27 
q | 61.4? 63.0? Ap] | 1.6? 
Kk | -2.56? -3.4? [Ax 0.84° 
Table 1. Results of the real dataset 
Table 1 shows results using a real dataset and Table 2 shows 
result of a synthetic dataset. In the table of the real dataset the 
rough exterior orientation collected by the prototype sensor is 
displayed. These values are also used as initial values in the 
spatial resection process. The results displayed in both tables 
are created by the feature based spatial resection method as well 
as by a spatial resection using manually selected tie points as 
input data. The results of the point based method act as 
reference data, as this method provides the most accurate 
results. In the table of the synthetic dataset (Table 2) 
additionally the results of the DLT method are added, to show 
their ability for determining initial values. 
synthetic dataset: 
rough exterior orientation (predefined/synthetic) 
X {905.00 m o | 10.0? 
Y |72.00m © | 64.0° 
Z | 51.00m K y 40? 
DLT - straight lines (for initialisation) 
X | 903.49 m eo 9383? 
Y {7123 nm © | 64.61° 
Z \51 lim x |-0.03? 
spatial resection 
points straight lines differences 
X | 905.039 m 905.002 m [AX] | 0.037 m 
Y | 72.012 m 72.032 m JAY] | 0.02 m 
Z | 51.0871 m 51.0796 m AZ} | 0.008 m 
c | 9.908? 9.9199 Ao | 0.011? 
o | 63.978? 64.020° jAg| | 0.042? 
K | -0.018° -0.009° jAx| | 0.009° 
Table 2. Results of the synthetic dataset 
Comparing the results in Table 1 (real dataset) we can see that 
the "straight lines" method compared the point based method 
provides nearly the same result. Position differences are in the 
order of — 20 cm and differences for the orientation angles are 
in the order of 1-2 degree. As the point based estimation 
represents the optimal result, we can conclude that the errors 
occur by inaccuracies in the extraction of straight lines affected 
by the image quality and image resolution, or by inaccuracies in 
the distortion parameters. Considering the synthetic dataset in 
Table 2 which uses the same image coordinates for the point 
based method as well as for the straight line based method, we 
can see nearly the same result for the exterior orientation. This 
shows that the straight line based method is suitable to 
determine reliable results for the exterior orientation 
In the article we have described the idea of the NEXUS platform, 
which offers the possibility to represent the real world as a 
world model. We have pointed out the key problem of LBS: 
“Fist the system has to determine where the mobile user is 
located at, than the system can provide support to the user.” 
Based on this key problem we have described general methods 
for location sensing and also a method, which uses scene 
analysis. For the method based on scene analysis we have 
presented an implementation of a process for estimating 

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