Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

t B3. Istanbul 2004 
in pixel 
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posed in 
this paper 
| images with 10 m 
province of China, 
graphic database of 
de of 1:50000. The 
of 25m-grid space. 
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iders. Based on the 
Images are 
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racy of the exterior 
0 check 
points for 
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evation interval of 
The conclusion can 
| can satisfy the 
yf 1:50000 based on 
nstitute of Sichuan 
Orientation with 
Max Error 
2 times of 
2 times of 
Revision with Scale 
SPOT PAN Image superposed by Map with 
Figure 5: 
Georeference based on the exterior orientation 
This paper introduces a fully automatic approach for the 
exterior orientation of remote sensing imagery with high 
resolution by matching extracted river feature points from the 
image against the corresponding objects of an existing vector 
river map or a GIS database. The implemented approach is 
based on automatic curvilinear features extraction from remote 
sensing imagery and generalized point photogrammetry. The 
result shows that the exterior orientation can satisfy the 
requirement of map revision with the scale of 1:50000. The 
presented procedure does not need much manual interaction and 
therefore has the potential to be integrated into an automatic 
workflow. Proposed approach creates the possibilities for 
automatic exterior orientation in special data updating and the 
registration of multi-resolution remote sensing images. 
Thanks for the supporting from Natural Science Fund of P. R. 
China (No. 40337055). 
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