International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004
may be difficult or impossible to model bridges and tunnels on
the terrain surface.
Figure 1 A DTM from ArcView
3.1. Why these operators?
CAD modelling techniques do not seem attraction at first. The
Boolean operators, the union, intersection, and difference of
cubes and tubes in Constructive Solid Geometry structure (CSG)
are hard to apply to terrain models. The data structure for
modelling a non-manifold solid is too complex (Lee, 1999),
therefore only manifold-based b-rep CAD models will be
considered in enhancing the TIN model. Euler Operators, with
the help of the Euler Poincaré formula is a good indicator of the
topological validity of the boundary surface (Mantyla, 1981).
Euler Operators are used to ensure the integrity of the extended
TIN models, since the TIN is a set of triangles represented by a
group of boundary edges and vertices.
Implementations of Euler Operators used various kinds of edge-
type data structures, for example, half-edge (Weiler, 1985) and
winged-edge (Baumgart, 1972) data structures. They seem too
complicated for modelling triangulations, and the TIN does not
need to represent holes in an individual triangle. The simplicity
of the Quad-Edge structure (Guibas & Stolfi, 1985) is used to
implement the Euler Operators. Therefore we use the Quad-
Edge as the basic structure used to implement a set of Euler
Operators in the TIN model. The implementation of
triangulation operators using the Euler Operators will be the
highest level.
3.2. The Quad-Edge Data Structure
Weiler (Weiler, 1985) gave a topology representation with
enough information to recreate nine adjacency relationships
without error or ambiguity. Figs 3 and 4 show the only two
operators, “Make-Edge” and “Splice”, used on the Quad-Edge
structure. Make-Edge creates an individual edge with four
connected “Quad” objects and every Quad has three pointers.
Splice splits a face into two pieces or merges two faces into one.
e ptl
x Rot Quad
‘ —
! Next Quad
cux o
{ Vertex or Face
, I.
i— —
€ pt2
Figure 3 Make-Edge
Vertex or Face
Figure 4 Splice
3.3. The Implementation of Euler Operators Using
Quad-Edge Structure
According to Braid (Braid et al., 1978) five spanning Euler
Operators suffice to create a valid b-rep model. The six
elements of every b-rep solid model are: vertices, edges, faces,
loops (or rings), holes and bodies (or shells), however loops (a
hole in an individual face) will not be considered in the TIN
model. Therefore only five elements will be used in the
extended TIN model. Thus four spanning Euler Operators
suffice for modelling the extended triangulation.
Similarly three Euler Operators are needed to create a simple
TIN model without any holes or bridges because only four
elements are including in the model. They are: vertices, edges,
faces and bodies. Figs 5 to 7 show the three operators for
creating the TIN model. In the figures below, the dash lines
represent the connectivity bétween edges in a face or a vertex.
Every edge is represented by one of the four Quads which 1s
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