Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

nbul 2004 | International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 9. Generated true orthophoto same area as figure 8 Figure 11. Generated true orthophoto same area as figure 10 
A raw image around narrow streets is shown in figure 10. In 6. CONSIDERATION 
figure 10, several streets (width 6 meter) are completely 
covered by building walls. Also Narrow Streets between 
building and building are too dark in the image for observation : ; ; e : 
objects on the street even they are shown. It is possible to reduce the occlusion caused by buildings by 
A generated true orthophoto is shown in figure 11. Narrow increasing the overlap and side lap. The number of photographs 
d streets are clearly expressed. Also after color and contrast taken ina certain time frame has nothing to do with the increase 
v Street adjustment, it gives us sufficient image quality along the narrow of cost in the case of DMC. ; 
street for plotting work. These images were taken in winter In this study, we made a photography plan with 80% overlap 
season. So those images prove that system provides sufficient and 80% side lap. In the stage of consideration, we compared 
the case of 60% overlap and 30% side lap with the case of 67% 
6.1 Photography plan using high overlapping ratio 
dd color depth almost all seasons. : ii. 
automatic overlap and 67% side lap applicable to mapping job. Usable 
extent of photograph in each case is shown in figure 12. 
Figure 9. 
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