Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
e Photo taking expense including chartering fee of 
e Cost of film and development 
e Printing expenses including the contact printing paper 
e Scanning expense for digitalization 
On the other hand, the costs other than photo taking expense are 
unnecessary in case of aerial photographing by DMC, and the 
saving rate of cost reaches to the range from 50% to nearly 80%. 
In addition, since photo taking expense is roughly proportional 
to the flying time of airplane, the unit price of images can be 
reduced by increasing the number of photos taken within the 
same time frame in case of photo taking plan with high 
overlapping ratio. 
It was confirmed that the true orthophoto generated by our 
study has quire an effective image quality as the basic data that 
can be used for construction control relating to the narrow road. 
Seeing from the cost performance and image quality of DMC, it 
has become clear that it is possible to generate the true 
orthophoto at the almost similar cost of conventional 
orthophoto by applying simplified processing conforming to the 
purpose. Large scale is used for the projects which require the 
true orthophoto. It is assumed that the acquisition of vector data 
has been required in these projects. It is considered to be 
possible to more inexpensively generate the true orthophoto by 
acquiring the vector data taking into account the generation of 
true orthophotos. 
Shibuya-ward, 2003, Lands and Buildings of Shibuya-ward (A 
summary of statistics of Land use in 2001 
Heier, H, 2001, Deploying DMC in Today's workflow, 48" 
Photogrammetric week. 
Neumann, K, 2003, Aerial Mapping Cameras-Digital versus 
film the benefits of a new technology, ASPRS2003 annual 

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