Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 3)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B3. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 2. Image fusion of QuickBird images for object 
extraction. (a) Original Pan image; (b) Original MS image; (c) 
Pan-sharpened image. 
2.2 Classification 
To extract road networks according to their spectral information 
and to get an acceptable result, the original QuickBird MS 
image and the pan-sharpened MS image were classified in this 
study using multispectral classification. Comparisons showed 
that the classification results from pan-sharpened MS images 
are significantly better than those from original MS images. The 
reason for this improvement is that the pan-sharpened image has 
higher resolution, and the spectral information is well reserved 
from the original MS image. Therefore, the pan-sharpened 
image was chosen for the road classification. 
Since an unsupervised clustering method is usually better 
suited for classifying heterogeneous classes in high resolution 
satellite images than a supervised classification (Jensen et al. 
1994, Csatho and Schenk 1998, Zhang 2001), the unsupervised 
fuzzy K mean clustering method was used to classify the 
QuickBird images in this study. 
Figure 3a shows the clustering result from the pan-sharpened 
QuickBird image in an urban area. Figure 3b is the classified 
binary road image from the clustering result (Figure 3a). It is 
clear that almost all the road networks are correctly extracted. 
However, the rate of misclassification is high. For example, 
there are small family driveways connected to road networks, 
and many house roofs are classified into the road networks. 
These make it impossible to obtain an accurate road network 
without further processing. 
~ s. xo HS aam 
Figure 3. The unsupervised road classification of pan- 
sharpened QuickBird MS image. (a) A close-up of the 
clustering result in an urban area. (b) The classified road image 
after elimination of speckles. 

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