Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
is to collapse the soil complex and split its area to its 
neighbouring soil parcels. The second alterative is appropriate 
to the situation that none of its neighbouring soil parcels is 
smaller than the minimal area. 
In brief, new generalization solutions need to be developed for 
soil complex in order to represent the special contextual 
characteristics of soil map. 
In the generalization of categorical data or map, the special 
characteristics, requirements and applications should be 
considered to represent the professional principles of concrete 
categorical data. And they need to be converted into specific 
constraints and integrated with generic constraints imposed by 
cartographic principles to govern and steer the generalization 
process of concrete categorical data. This paper investigates 
beneficial attempts on the generalization of soil map, especially 
with the specific constraints. We aim to explore the specific 
constraints of soil data and map, analyze the integration of 
specific constraints and generic constraints. The integration 
provides the fundamentals for the development of 
comprehensive strategies for the generalization of soil data and 
map. However, further researches, such as the appropriate 
representation of specific constraints, generalization solution 
about soil complex, are necessary to develop a fully operational 
constraint-based generalization system to implement the soil 
data and map generalization. 
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