Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
infrastructures that have to be granted as accessible 
after an earthquake. 
3. Structural vulnerability of human infrastructure 
evaluation correlated to the features (physical, 
mechanical, technologic aspects, etc.) of the different 
Usually, the most part of the attention has been addressed to 
buildings because of the population inside. In the last twenty 
years it has been turned to the importance of the role of the 
lifelines (D’Andrea et alii, 1999; Cafiso et alii, 2001, 2003) in 
particular of road infrastructures for the limitation of damages 
following seismic catastrophic events. 
Indeed, destruction or serious damages of highway or road 
network portions can cause the inaccessibility to some, even 
wide, urban areas, interruption or use-overload of road network 
or other means of transport, delay in helps from the outside, 
difficulties in access to Civil Protection services, to sanitary 
structures, to train stations, to airports, to power stations and 
electric lines and to all the other strategic elements of the 
network systems. Finally, in the case of a system functionality 
loss, there could be serious effects as, for example, the 
immediate one on population, the one consequent to the delay 
of rescues, and in the long term on the productive system and 
on the market for the unavailability of goods. 
In this scenario, survey techniques, both in preventive phase 
and in emergency management, have an essential role to define 
the sensitivity and vulnerability of the territory (essentially 
related to the geo-morphological) and of infrastructures 
(buildings, road, piping, etc.). 
In this sense, disposing of opportune supports dedicated to the 
knowledge of the territory (as a constantly updated numerical 
and digital cartography that is completed by a digital soil 
model) is very important. These supports have to be consultable 
within a suitable territorial informative system in order to carry 
out all the elaborations that the various expected scenarios 
should require. This approach allows, in case of a catastrophic 
event, to collect, to elaborate and to supply all the output 
necessary to the coordination of the intervention teams. In the 
simulation of a seismic event on the Italian territory (in 
EGERIS European project), the teams assigned to the macro- 
seismic survey and to the functionality of road networks survey 
have been activated in the short term while, in the long term, 
the ones for the census of the infrastructural damages started. 
All the operators on the field were equipped with hand-held 
computers (PDA) with cartographic software, GPS, and GPRS 
connections. Once received preliminary data, the teams have 
surveyed the geo-referenced territorial data of the site and 
transmitted them to the operating stations. These, after the GIS 
update, proceeded to compute both for the state of the isosist 
lines and for the viability conditions; this last is an 
indispensable element in order to coordinate in the best way 
ihe researchers ana the rescue teams. 
Anu aenal survey, realised with photogrammetric digital 
cameras and laser scanners, can offer a very important 
contribute. This technology, integrated with a GPS and an INS, 
consents to perform the surveys and to obtain the external 
orientation parameters without the need of teams on site; thanks 
to that is possible, in very short times, to produce a cartographic 
base of the event and a DTM, a very effective instrument to 
carry out all the necessary measurements in order to represent 
the modification of the territory. 
Moreover, the survey with laser systems on urban areas, allows 
to produce particularly effective supports for a first evaluation 
of the damages received by infrastructures, especially if there is 
the possibility to carry out a comparison with a laser survey 
performed before the catastrophic event. 
Moreover, also satellite remote sensing could be useful to 
quickly obtain from acquired images the distribution map of 
damages about buildings and infrastructure system (both in 
urban and rural environment). Using advanced software tools 
for the image analysis and classification and exploring invisible 
bands of the spectrum such as the thermic infrared, it is possible 
to individuate escapes of gas and point of fires that could cause, 
especially in urban context, great induct damages. For example, 
in the case of Kobe (1995), the damage from fires indirectly 
caused by the quake was evaluated as comparable to that caused 
directly by the quake, in as much as the interruption of the 
access ways prevented to the emergency services to reach the 
devastated areas for many hours. 
For the management of the post-calamitous events it is 
important to dispose of information about road network 
condition. Research units of University of Catania and Palermo 
are still working on the classification of road network damages 
due to calamitous events by high resolution images. 
The use of this kind of technologies allows the preparation of 
the supports necessary to the decision-maker, in a time faster 
than the traditional surveying methodologies; the quikness in 
consequent interventions, indeed, is very important to limit the 
human being loss. 
d p © Bridges 
pr + >< Epicentre 
S 5 
E Towns 
State Roads 
Provincial Roads 
Built areas 
AE [| Siciliy 
a PGA [g] 
[——]* 0,1 
i [10,10 - 0,15 
re 3 0,16 - 0,20 
= ] 0,21 - 0,25 
7) mH 0,26 - 0,30 
= > IN 0,31 - 0,35 
Q Loe ME > 0,36 
Figure 2. Specialized GIS on seismic risk. The calculated 
GRID PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration) layer is overlaid by 
road network and bridges vector layers 
ZONE E E n E 2H 
Figure 3. Specialized GIS on seismic risk. The hyper-linked 
photographic documentation to bridges’ layer 

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