Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 3. A part of LANDSAT block 
After the adjustment, the orthophotos were produced. In the 
production of the orthophotos, 100 meters interval Digital 
Elevation Model (DEM) was used. Then, the orthophotos were 
mosaicked. The resulting product was Turkey's mosaic. 
3D visualization was produced in Erdas Virtual GIS module. 
Road and railway network, city boundaries, names of the cities, 
towns, rivers, lakes and dams (Figure 4). 
Figure 4. Perspective view with the settlement names. 
Also with a program produced in Photogrammetry Department 
of GCM, it is possible to superimpose location names and 
some other vector data on to the orthophotos (Figure 5). 
Figure 5. Vectors over Landsat orthoimagery 
The panoramic view of the same area is shown in the Figure 6. 
Figure 6. Panoramic view of Istanbul 
The need for a base in small scales comes out in every 
technologic field. The accuracy, completeness, exquisiteness 
and visuality are the important prerequisites for a base. By the 
classical maps, one might not understand the topographic 
structure of interested area. Also, it is expensive and time 
consuming to produce classical or vector maps. If the high 
resolution imagery and aerial photos are used for a base, the 
costs and storage need will be very high. So the optimum 
solution should be cheaper, less time consuming and should 
need less storage capacity. Landsat imagery best fit the above 
mentioned conditions. As a result, Turkey's mosaic was 
produced from Landsat imagery with an accuracy of 1:100.000 
scale maps. 
With the help of the computer technology, seamless images can 
be created and used quickly. The computer technology enables 
everybody to use such geographic materials easily. 
The resulting product (Turkey's mosaic) is open to every 
possible application field. Especially, it is useful in areas 
where overall view of Turkey is necessary. It has many 
application areas: By enhancing the mosaic with some vector 
data, names of historical places, settlements, accommodation it 
serves as a valuable tourist map. It can also be used as a base 
in vehicles” trip computer system or in vehicle tracking system 
of a transportation company. The mosaic will help the pilots fly 
over Turkey, instead of using 1:250.000 scale hardcopy maps 
in airplanes or helicopters. They can also use it prior to the 
flight in flight planning process by 3D visualization. It is 
possible to construct Turkey's Geographic Information System 
(GIS) based on this mosaic. Such a GIS will help everybody 
who needs planning over whole Turkey. 
References from websites: 
LANDSAT Project, 
(accessed 05 May 2004) 

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