Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 9. Initial 3D Regions, 3D Regions after refinement, 
Boundary of 3D Regions. 
This defect is compensated by incorporating the relevant 
information in image space. The corresponding areas in image 
space for the 3D object are determined by the inverse solution 
of collinearity condition equations (Figure 10). 
Figure 10. The Superimposed boundaries of the extracted 
objects in image space. 
Figure 11 presents the final extracted regions in image spaces. 
As this figure shows our feature level fusion strategy has 
successfully identified the presence of sub-regions within the 
initial regions and hence the 2D regions are subdivided 
accordingly to separate segments. 
Figure 11. Final extracted regions in image space 
The decision level fusion is performed by using the identity 
declaration provided by each source of information. The fusion 
of the identity declaration is then made by using /dentity based 
methods such as MAP and Dempster-Shafer methods (Shefer, 
1976) or Knowledge based method such as Expert knowledge 
Neural network and Fuzzy logic methods (Lin and Lee, 1996). 
It is Important to note that decision level fusion use: (1) feature 
extraction, transforming the raw signal provided by the sensor 
into a reduced vector of features describing parsimoniously the 
original information, and (2) identity declaration or object 
recognition that assigns a quality class to the measured produce 
based on the feature extraction process (Figure 12). 
S Feature p» _ Object % 
4 Extraction Recognition | 
pum es mE Object Object 
Feature fp Object — g—»| Recognition §— 
Extraction Recognition Fusion 
è ere [ERY 
Feature „| _ Object 
Sn Extraction Recognition 
Figure 12. Object/Decision Level Fusion 
4.1. Case Study — Automatic Change Detection 
Monitoring of changes in topographic digital vector maps is one 
of the main requirements of urban planners, urban decision- 
makers and managers (Dowman, 1998; Armenakis et. al., 2002; 
Kim and Muller, 2002). However, in practice the processes for 
analysing the changes are the manual methods like on-screen 
change detection that are time consuming and expert dependent. 
The availability of the new generation commercial high 
resolution satellite imageries, due to their wealth of information 
content, have opened a new era in the problem of automatic 
change detection and consequently the digital vector maps 
updating. Therefore, automatic change detection has been an 
area of major interest in remote sensing and GIS for the last few 
years (Peled, 1993; Darvishzadeh, 2000; Dowman, 1998; 
Armenakis et. al., 2002; Kim and Muller, 2002; Schiewe 2002; 
Shi and Shibazaki, 2000). 
Nevertheless, most of the existing methods for doing change 
detection process are basically optimized to use information of 
one sensor imagery and in addition, by employ parametric 
methods, object's fuzziness behaviour and the possibility for 
introducing training potentials are basically neglected. In this 
case, an attempt has been made to design a system that 
integrates all above features in a total and comprehensive 
automatic change detection solution. The approach presented 
here takes advantage of the concept of fusion in two levels of 
feature and decision. That is, information fusion to exploit the 
multi-level characteristics of the objects and logic fusion for 
enhancing the learning and hence recognition abilities of the 
system (Figure 13). 
Figure 13. Decision Level Fusion 
4.2. Experiments and Results 
The proposed automatic change detection methodology was 
tested on a 1:1000 scale digital map and a pan-sharpen 
IKONOS scene of the city of Rasht, Iran (Figure 14). The maps 
have been produced in 1994 from 1:4000 aerial photographs by 
National Cartographic Centre (NCC) of Iran. The satellite 
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