Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote 
occur rapidly, such nodes can be identified using red (or other 
bright colors). It accuracy metadata are also available, this 
could be expressed in the relative crispness or fuzziness of the 
node and prong representations (Pang, Wittenbrink et al. 1997). 
These future extensions of our model are expected to be useful 
in alerting users to potential situations where merging or 
splitting heliXes might be helpful. 
In addition to visual representations of helixes, we are also 
working on utilizing aggregation and splitting techniques when 
dealing with text and other data formats that may be associated 
with the helixes. These formats can complement and enhance 
the helixes. As an example, we might have metadata about 
accuracy. The level of metadata that deals with specific 
horizontal and vertical accuracies of angles is quite detailed. 
The FGDC lists a set of standard metadata that is set up in a 
hierarchical fashion. By exploiting this construction we can 
gradually zoom in to the level of detail that is required, both 
within the data itself and within the corresponding metadata 
(Eickhorst 2002; Eickhorst and Agouris 2002). Thus, the user 
would not need to actually see metadata on accuracy or fuzzy 
visualizations until a very detailed view of the helix itself is 
desired. Integrating this capability into our helix model is a 
future goal of our research. 
Spatiotemporal helixes represent a new and promising theory 
for modelling and analyzing change in geospatial applications 
and other large-scale data-intensive projects in various fields. In 
this paper, we have presented our work on the theories of 
helixes and similarity metrics, and have given examples of how 
these theories can be implemented. We have presented 
examples of the experiments being conducted to test the 
robustness of our methods. Finally, we discussed some new 
directions that we are currently pursuing. These extensions will 
result in the development of a comprehensive model that will 
support users querying on object behaviour over time, using an 
easily understandable interface. 
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Stefanidis, A., P. Agouris, et al. (2002). Scale and Orientation- 
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International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 
16(8), pp. 749-772. 
Stefanidis, A., P. Agouris, ct al. (2002). SpatioTemporal 
Helixes for Event Modeling. National Conference on Digital 
Government Research, Los Angeles, pp. 219-224. 
Stefanidis, A., K. Eickhorst, et al. (2003). Modeling and 
Comparing Change using Spatiotemporal Helixes. ACM-GIS 
2003, New Orleans, LA, ACM Press, pp. 86-93. ' 
Vlachos, M., D. Gunopulos, et al. (2002). Robust Similarity 
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This work is supported by the National Science Foundation 
through grants. DG-9983432 and ITR-0121269 and by the 
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) through NMA 
401-02-1-2008. Kristin Eickhorsts work has also been funded 
in part by NASA through a Maine Space Grant Fellowship, and 
the generous support of Goddard Space Flight Center. 
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