Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Julv with an average monthly precipitation of 75mm. Peak 
temperatures occur between June and August and as such 
contribute to the rapid evaporation of available soil moisture in 
the root zone. 
These factors create grassland conditions that are highly 
responsive to local rainfall by virtue or little or no available soil 
moisture during the principal growth period. 
Sensitivity to local rainfall is further exacerbated by drought 
conditions that began 1n late 1999 and continue to the present. 
This extended period of subnormal precipitation has strongly 
influenced both near and subsurface moisture availability and 
has had a significant impact on grassland ecosystems, grassland 
productivity and economic use. 
2.1 Data 
The data used in this study were acquired from publicly 
available sources and processed using standard software and 
algorithms. MODIS data were acquired from the Land 
Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LPDAAC) 
through the Earth Observing System Data Gateway (EOS). 
Precipitation data were acquired the National Centers for 
Environmental Prediction of the US Weather Service. 
2.1.1 MODIS Data. The vegetation data were derived from 
the MODIS Terra products, specifically the MODISA2 Leaf 
Area Index/FPAR 8-day L4 Global Ikm SIN Grid. MODISA2 
provides Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of 
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) absorbed by 
vegetation with a spatial resolution of 1 km and is updated once 
each 8-day period throughout the calendar year (Knyazikhin, et 
al, 1999; Myneni, et al, 2003; MCST, 2003). The MODIS 
FPAR product (MOD15A2) was selected because it provides 
information on the structural property of the plant canopy. A 
plant productivity product was selected as more likely to 
indicate vegetation response to precipitation in the sparse 
grassland environment of Northeastern New Mexico. 
Fourteen files of 8-day composite FPAR data were downloaded 
from the LPDAAC for the period of study of June 01, 2002 
through September 15, 2002. The native hdf data files were 
converted into ERDAS Imagine version 8.6 img files and 
reprojected to UTM zone 13, using the NAD 27 datum. Eight- 
day differences were calculated between the available data sets 
to capture the change in FPAR over time. These difference 
images were used in ArcGIS to compare changes in FPAR 
values to areas of local precipitation derived from the 
NEXRAD data (Figure 2). 
2.1.2 NEXRAD Data. Weather radar data are systematically 
collected over virtually all of the Continental United States and 
provide spatially continuous and calibrated rainfall estimates at 
a nominal spatial resolution of 4 km. 
2.1.3 Processing of NEXRAD Stage IV data. The 
conversion of NEXRAD Stage IV data to a format suitable for 
use in an image processing and GIS requires several steps. The 
native format for NEXRAD data is NWP HRAP GRIB 
(National Centers for Environmental Prediction) which must 
converted from the radial GRIB format be integrated into raster 
based systems. The acquisition and conversion process involved 
5 steps: 
I. Data Acquisition 
7 ‘ : 
2. Data Conversion 
3. Georeferencing 
4. Conversion to Raster Format 
5. Data Export Data Acquisition. NEXRAD Stage IV data are 
available for 1-, 6-, and 24-hour total precipitation summaries 
for a continental US grid. These data are mosaiced from local, 4 
km polar-stereographic grids for each of the 12 regional River 
Forecast Centers (RFCs) in the continental US. These data are 
derived from the Stage III precipitation products generated by 
the RFCs. Each grid point in the Stage IV product provides 
accumulated precipitation measured in mm for the specified 
span of time. The nominal ground spacing is approximately 4 
km nationally, but varies with actual NEXRAD coverage and 
distance from the radar installation. For New Mexico the 
nominal ground spacing is approximately 4.8 km. The data for 
this analysis were obtained via FTP from the online 6-month 
archive of data files ftp://ftpprd.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/gep/precip/ 
mpe.arch/stage4/. Data Conversion. The downloaded files are provided 
as compressed HRAP GRIB files. The compressed GRIB files 
were uncompressed and converted from binary to ascii text 
format using wgrib (http://wesley.wwb.noaa.gov/wgrib.html). 
The ASCII text format generated by wgrib encodes the number 
of columns and rows in the grid in the first line of the file and 
stores the values for cach row in sequence as a single column of 
values. This output was then used to generate the desired output 
format through an automated process. Georeferencing. After conversion, the ASCII 
precipitation values were merged with their corresponding 
geographic coordinates to generate a point dataset from which a 
raster representation could be generated. To facilitate automated 
processing, a reference ASCII file containing UTM (Zone 13, 
NAD27) coordinate pairs for each GRIB grid point was 
generated for each point. The order of the coordinate pairs in 
the reference file exactly matched the order of the precipitation 
values in the ASCII output of wgrib. 
A custom Perl script was used to merge the UTM coordinates 
pairs with the precipitation values, to subset the data to the 
defined area of interest, and generate a GRASS GIS 
(http://grass.itc.it/) sites file. A GRASS sites file consists of an 
ASCII encoded point GIS coverage. Conversion to Raster Format. The GRASS 
s.surf.idw command was used with a | as the specified number 
of points for the inverse-distance-weighting algorithm, resulting 
in a nearest neighbor conversion of the points in the sites file 
into a 1 km raster. Data Export. To maximize portability, the GRASS 
raster file was exported as an ASCII ArcGRID using the 
r.out.arc GRASS command. The resultant ASCII file could then 
be imported into ArcGIS for analysis of the precipitation and 
any resultant vegetation response. This entire conversion and 
reformatting process was automated using a Perl script that 
performed all of the conversion, import, and export processes 
on the HRAP NEXRAD GRIB files. 
2.2 Methods 
After conversion to gridded raster data the NEXRAD 
precipitation data was imported into ArcGIS ver. 8.3 for 
analysis. For analysis purposes, total precipitation was grouped 
into eight classes (Table 1). A comparison of NEXRAD 

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