Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 1. Image data 
3.3 Experimental Results 
There are respectively 113 points, 84 points, 115 points and 97 
points extracted out from the four images with the projected 
grid ant there are 409 points in total. Using the algorithm to 
compute these observation values of the points, the parameters 
of the slide projector are computed by the calibration method 
mentioned above shown in Table 1. 
yo (pixel) 
f (pixel) Xo (pixel) 
1676.835624 509.105746 
Table 1. Parameters of the slide projector 
In order to verify the results of calibration, the space 
coordinates of the points projected in 4 images are calculated 
respectively using the parameters of the slide projector 
calibration and the parameters of the digital camera calibration. 
Comparing the two sets of the calculated coordinates, the root- 
mean-square errors of the space coordinate residuals are 
calculated. The number of points and the values of the root- 
mean-square error are shown in Table 2. 
Number of points RMSEx (mm) RMSEy (mm) 
409 0.594 0.892 
Table 2. The root-mean-square error of the coordinates of the 
Because the control ground is not very stable and exquisite, 
there exists system error in the designed space coordinates 
integrally. At the same time, the distance between the projector 
and the planar grid is relatively far so that the distortion of the 
projector is relatively hard. Because of the two reasons above, 
the values of the root-mean-square error in this experiment are 
poor relatively. However, the results of the experiment are 
satisfied with the requirement of the  close-range 
photogrammetry essentially. 
The paper provides a flexible technique to calibrate the slide 
projector easily and practically. The technique only requires an 
ordinary slide projector, a digital camera, and a planar grid and 
it is hardly affected by the space factor or time factor. The 
paper also deduces the detail algorithm of this technique and 
supplies the real data slide projector calibration. These two 
aspects have proved that the technique this paper prospered is 
feasible and proper. 
Thanks for the supporting from Specialized Research Fund for 
the Doctoral Program of Higher Education, P. R. China (No. 
2001048601 1). 
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