Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
was used, no quantitative evaluation about the displacements at 
any other location of the terrain underneath could be derived. A 
qualitative information was obtained by inserting coloured 
horizontal sandy layers and taking some pictures during trials. 
Figure 1: The loading device and the experimental setup 
2.3 Design of the photogrammetric survey 
In order to acquire more accurate information about the 
displacement field under the foundation, a digital camera has 
been placed in quasi-nadir position with respect to one of the 
glass walls, recording images at a rate allowing to describe the 
phenomenon until the collapse of the sand. 
Because of the test setup, the displacement field can be 
considered as plane (and symmetrical with respect to the 
vertical plane normal to the glass and passing through the 
foundation centre). This allows to apply a image rectification to 
convert image displacement into object displacements, with the 
additional advantage of a simpler setup (a single camera, no 
synchronization required). 
To compute the 8 parameters of the transformation for every 
image of the sequence and to establish a permanent reference 
system to make comparisons, a polyester frame has been placed 
on the outer side of the glass, covering the area interested by the 
displacements (20x30cm). A set of 32 calibration targets, whose 
position is known with an accuracy of about 0.01 mm has been 
printed on it (see Figure 2). Computation of the parameters for 
each image of the sequence would be redundant if the 
arrangement camera-device is perfectly stable during the test; 
unfortunately, this turned out not to be true after the first 
experimental trials, which revealed small movements of the 
camera, most probably due to vibrations caused by the 
compressor needed to operate the oleo-dynamic actuators. 
In principle, the transformation parameters computed using 
points on the reference frame should not be applied to points of 
the of sand layer on the opposite side of the glass wall, because 
they lay on a different plane. However, the total displacement 
of a point during the test is just of a few mm and only 
displacements, and not absolute coordinates, must be measured 
precisely. Therefore the error coming from ignoring refraction 
through the glass and applying the rectification parameters to a 
different plane has been neglected. By a similar reasoning, also 
lens distortion has been neglected, since its variation along the 
image displacement of a point is very small. 
A Kodak DCS420 with a CCD array of 1524 by 1012 pixels 
(square pixels with 9 um size) has been fitted with a 24 mm 
lens. Because each loading test lasts 15-30 minutes, an external 
electronic trigger has been connected to the camera in order to 
control image acquisition at fixed steps, synchronized to 
transducers and other sensors for comparison. The frequency of 
acquisitions depends on the speed of displacement in sand; for 
tests described below, four images per minute have been taken, 
even though only a subset of these has been processed. 
The camera is placed on a tripod at a distance of about 50 cm 
from the glass wall, resulting in a mean pixel-size in object 
space of about 0.2 mm. 
As shown in the following, after an initial setup for the test, the 
measurement proceeds automatically, driven by image 
matching algorithms. The extraction and measurement of 
calibration targets is carried out by l.s. template matching, being 
a priori known the shape of each target to be measured in all 
images. Tracing of sand's surface displacements consists in 
finding the same homologous points in all the image sequence. 
Because of their size and of movements induced by the stress 
(that lead to a certain mixing, rearranging and rotating them) 
neither individual grains nor cluster of them can be traced. 
Several small white spheres have therefore been positioned as 
tracing points in the sand near the glass wall, at the nodes of a 
grid (see figure 2). Weight and diameter of spheres has been 
selected to let unmodified the mechanical behaviour of sand, 
while their colour contrasted enough to guarantee identification 
against the background. : 
Although preparation of the specimen is not a simple and fast 
matter (some hours for each loading test are needed), this 
solution yields a high resolution description of the displacement 
field. This advantage is very important for the geotechnical 
analysis, where investigation of initial loading steps is the most 
interesting issue. Because at this stage displacement are very 
small, the accuracy required is in the order of 0.1 mm at object 
Figure 2: The reference frame and the area of the specimen 
interested by displacements (about 30x20 cm), 
before and after loading (test 1). 
2.4 Processing of a test image sequence 
Once a test has been completed, images are downloaded from 
the camera memory to a PC. The quality of the colour images 18 
generally not very good with this camera, but no pre-processing 
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