International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
The second series of experiments involved the scanning of five
targets that were mounted on a wall, from different angles and
distances. The reference dataset is created using four merged
scans for each one of the targets, collected from a 5m distance
with the scanner facing the wall. The other datasets were
acquired by scanning the same targets from distances of 3 and
10 meters and with the z-axis of the scanner's system forming a
90° a 45° and a 15° angle. This way, 6 datasets were created
and the results derived following the same procedure as
previously are summarized in Table 6.
The results of the ‘maxrad’ and ‘maxrad4’ are very unstable,
ranging from 7mm to more than 25mm. As for the results of the
*radcent! method, the mean absolute error is within the
accuracy specifications of + 6 mm of the Cyrax system. The
results of the ‘fuzzypos’ and ‘fuzzyposfine’ methods are once
again the best, especially those of the ‘fuzzyposfine’ method
(i.e. 0.4mm for every case at the 10m distance). For the case of
the 3m distance, it seems that as the angle becomes smaller, the
Mean Absolute Error tends to be greater. The performance of
the *fuzzyposfine' method appears to be even better for the 10m
distance, in comparison to the case of the 3m distance. As for
the other methods, the results of the 'gridrad' and 'delrad"
algorithms are similar to those of the ‘radcent’ algorithm. For
the *fuzzygridrad' and *fuzzydelrad' algorithms, the results are
also quite satisfactory, with a Mean Absolute Error of about
2mm, which is also better than the accuracy specifications of
the system.
[n this paper, the repeatability of measurements obtained by the
Cyrax 2500 laser scanner, a widely used system, has been
examined. It was shown that the repeatability is high for all
datasets collected in laboratory conditions. Furthermore, the
properties of the Cyrax reflective targets were thoroughly
examined and presented.
A number of new algorithms for target identification have been
proposed. With datasets collected in different experiments, both
the internal and external accuracy of all of the algorithms was
examined. It was shown that using Fuzzy clustering techniques
gives insight to the processing of the data of the targets, and
therefore it is highly recommended as a tool for further
research. The results of the proposed methods, especially those
of the ‘fuzzypos’ and ‘fuzzyposfine’ methods, are proved to be
very accurate and reliable. These methods can be used when
there is a high demand in accuracy, for instance for
metrological experiments, deformation monitoring, registering
multiple scans etc. They may be more demanding in
calculations compared to other methods, but the results are
substantially better.
For future work, more experiments need to be conducted in
order to evaluate the performance of the algorithms for various
resolutions, greater distances and non-laboratory conditions.
This work and the first author are supported by a research grant
(Program Thalis) from the National Technical University of
Athens. The help of Hristos Gounaris, undergraduate student of
NTUA, in conducting a number of experiments is also
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