Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
ome. 7 CE 
2D Image 
specific | Range data | 
knowledge / 
Segmentation | 
Object Recognition | 
Constraint detection 
Integrated Adjustment 
Fit final CSG models 
Figure 1. Flowchart of the modelling pipeline 
intersection are needed along with the information about 
corresponding points to calculate 3D coordinates. Secondly, the 
clutter which is a universal feature of most industrial sites 
combined with uncontrolled lighting makes the automatic 
object detection much more difficult. Thirdly, the information 
in images is contained mainly on the edges, as there the contrast 
is usually much better, while in the absence of some 
distinguishable marks the information about the 3D geometry of 
the rest of the surface is at best minimal. This becomes a major 
limitation as in industrial environments the curved objects are 
universally present, and for these objects only edge-localized 
information is not enough for automatic detection and fitting. 
All these limitation are successfully resolved by laser scanning 
techniques, where we get direct 3D information in the form of a 
point cloud making the job of object detection and fitting much 
easier. Furthermore, recent advances in 3D scanning 
technologies have made possible high-speed acquisition of 
dense and accurate point clouds at moderate costs (Laser 
Scanner Survey, 2003). 
The strengths of Laser Scanning do not mean that images lose 
all their utility. Actually the fact that images provide accurate 
information on edges becomes a source of strength if both 
image and point cloud data are simultaneously used. Most of 
the currently available laser scanners are using techniques based 
on either triangulation or time of flight. In point clouds acquired 
using either of them the data on edges is noisier compared to 
that on the surface of the scanned object. This has to do with the 
angle between the surface normal and the laser beam, which 
changes very rapidly near the edges of the object, making 
precise point cloud acquisition very difficult. Additionally, in 
the case of time of flight multiple reflected pulses lead to 
averaging of range measurements. This is especially true for the 
step edges. These limitations of scanning technologies make 
images a complementary source of information, especially on 
the edges of the objects. Acquisition of images as a supporting 
data source is not a problem, as cameras are still much faster 
and cheaper than currently available laser scanners. 
Additionally, images are much better for visual interpretation 
and are required for producing texture-mapped models for 
realistic visualization. 
Based on the above observation of the complementary nature of : 
images and point clouds the modelling strategy that we have 
developed uses both data sources simultaneously and thus 
exploits all available information to achieve a more accurate 
estimation as well as higher levels of automation. The rest of thc 
paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we give a summary 
of the modelling pipeline. Section 3 provides details of fitting 
CSG objects to point clouds and to image edges. We present 
fitting results on an industrial scenario in Section 4, along with 
a discussion about the improvement in estimation accuracy 
using two experiments of fitting on single objects. Finally, we 
conclude in Section 5 and propose some directions for future 
Our modelling pipeline is shown in Fig. I. As it was noted in 
the introduction we are using both images and point clouds as 
data sources. We start from an initial approximate scan-to-scan 
registration using Iterative Closest Point method (Besl and 
McKay, 1992). The registration obtained from this pre- 
processing stage is used until objects have been recognized and 
fitted. Then this initial registration is refined in the final 
Integrated Adjustment using object-based registration (Dijkman 
and Heuvel, 2003). For image registration or exterior 
orientation, image edge to back-projected CSG model contour 
fitting is used, during which only image exterior orientation 
parameters are adjusted and object parameters of the modelled 
objects are kept fixed. 
For next stages of segmentation and object recognition only 
point cloud data is used, as in contrast to images it provides 
explicit 3D information, and thus has better chances of 
achieving automation. This is especially true for the 
reconstruction of industrial sites as due to their man-made 
origin presence of well-defined CAD primitives can be 
expected. For example as reported by Nourse et al. (1980) 85% 
of objects found in industrial scenes can be approximated by 
planes, spheres, cones and cylinders. This percentage rises to 
95% if toroidal surfaces are included in the set of available 
primitives (Requicha and Voelcker, 1982; Petitjean, 2002). 
Using point clouds we take a two-step approach, consisting of 
segmentation followed by Hough transform based object 
detection. In the first step we use a simple region growing based 
segmentation using what we call Smoothness Constraint. lt is 
based on the assumption that most of the surfaces in industrial 
environments can be expected to be smooth with their surface 
normals changing rapidly only on the object edges. First of all 
we estimate the surface normal for each point in the point cloud 
using plane fitting to the points within a small neighbourhood. 
This is followed by the stage of region growing in which we 
keep on adding points to one region until the angle between 
normals exceeds a specified threshold. Actually, segmentation 
and object recognition are two related problems, because if we 
know the type and location of objects, segmentation is reduced 
to selecting points having a low distance from the object 
surface; and similarly if we have a perfect segmentation, the 
object recognition is just a matter of surface fitting and finding 
the surface which gives minimum error of fit. Most of the 
segmentation approaches to date haven’t been able to achieve a 
high success rate (Hoover et al. 1996; Min et al., 2000). The 
segmentation approach we use leads usually to under- 
segmented results, with multiple objects being assigned to one 
segment. The following object recognition stage detects the 
planes and cylinders present in the segments using a Hough 
Transform. As presence of multiple objects and outliers is not a 
problem for the Hough transform we are able to recover from 
the errors of the preceding stage of segmentation. The object 
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