Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
This special feature of human eyes was employed by the 
technical researchers as early as 1976. In his paper Clark 
ested that objects can be simplified towards the periphery 
e field of view. (Clark 1976) 
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For the Virtual Environments, this implies the reconstruction of 
the visual field according to what is best for human perception. 
Because [Virtual Environments are] "synthetic sensory 
experiences that communicate physical and abstract 
components to a human operator or participant. The synthetic 
experience is generated by a computer system that one day may 
present an interface to the human sensory system that is 
indistinguishable from the real physical world." (Kalawsky, 
Other than satisfying the human senses to provide immersion, 
this approach has another function, which is more relevant for 
publishing massive graphics and images on the Internet. As 
Murphy and Duchowski put it: 
“The motivation behind such proposed gaze-contingent systems 
is to minimize overall display bandwidth requirements by 
reducing peripheral information in concordance with the 
perceptual limits of the Human Visual System (HVS). Efforts at 
providing peripherally degraded information date back to early 
eyeslaved flight simulators.” (Murphy & Duchowski, 2001) 
As the reader might have noticed, the last quote did not mention 
"foveation" but a system that was “gaze-contingent”. As human 
vision is explored by different research groups, this concept is 
also called with different terms. The terms carry slightly 
different associations; for instance foveation, as a term, is used 
for systems with or without the eye-tracking while gaze- 
contingent term is associated with an eye-tracking system. They 
essentially mean the same thing. 
For giving a name to this phenomenon, other than “foveated” 
and “gaze-contingent”, also “Eccentricity LOD” is used. Reddy 
uses this last term in his PhD thesis on “Perceptually Modulated 
LOD”. (Reddy 1997) 
In his thesis, Reddy summarizes the techniques used for 
controlling level of detail in VR, where 5 implementations of 
LOD are listed: 
- Distance LOD 
=. Size LOD 
- Eccentricity LOD 
- Velocity LOD 
- Fixed Frame Rate LOD 
Area of Interest Management (AOIM) is a more containing 
word, which covers all means of LOD, including the 
Eccentricity LOD (i.e. foveation). In 2D image coding, this 
term corresponds to Region of Interest (ROI) and in eye- 
tracking systems Point of Regard (POR) has a similar hold. 
In AOIM, by including the word “management”, the 
implication is moved from the area or the region, to the fact that 
something is done to manage it. 
To summarize the umbrella of the terminology, the following 
bulleted list should also express relationship between these 
- Active Visualization 
- Area of Interest Management (AOIM) (an active visualization 
- Level Of Detail (LOD) (an AOIM method) 
Terms used for human vision based LOD approaches: 
- Gaze directed 
- Gaze Contingent 
- Perceptually Driven 
- Eccentricity 
- Foveated 
Level of Detail management includes foveation but deals with 
other directions and ways the perception of detail varies as 
mentioned in the previous page. AOIM refers to the approaches 
that include LOD, while ROI and POR are used similarly as 
AOIM. All of these concepts are met when dealing with Active 
Note that, the term *perceptually-driven" in the literature covers 
a little more than foveal approach, it generally refers to a more 
generic account for what we visually percept, which, then 
includes distance-LOD and velocity-LOD and such. In many 
cases though, the term does not cover other senses — therefore it 
is not a complete reference to human perception. 
“Active Visualization” is used similarly as Area of Interest 
Management (AOIM), although it implies a broader coverage. 
There are a number of other relevant and similar terms such as 
smart sensing, visibility determination, attentional scene 
segmentation, active perception — which are used to refer to the 
active visualization. 
Can foveation be useful without eye tracking? 
Before continuing with the methods and examples in the last 
chapter of this paper, it would be good to spare a few lines to 
explain why we are not concentrating on systems with eye- 
tracking equipment. 
The foveation concept, by its description, is often closely 
related to tracking the cyes, or at least the head position of the 
viewer. The view-dependent real time rendering of the scene 
would require knowing the view point at all times, therefore it 
is obvious that one would want to have the eves of the user 
tracked instantaneously. 
But eye-tracking systems are complex and still very expensive. 
It is expressed that the expense is not because of the cost of the 
hardware, but because of the small market (UTEXAS 2002). 
Same source claims that when VR becomes more widely used, 
it would essentially include the tracking systems with it. 
Until the cave VR experience is widely available to public, the 
notion of it can be passed via network-based interactive 3D 
environments, using the “worlds” that are created with VRML 
(Virtual Reality Modeling Language), Java3D and similar. 
There is currently no eye-tracking in experiencing the online 
interactive 3D models, nor they are fully immersive, but they 
certainly are available to a much larger audience. Along with 
their many other useful functions, they serve as a first 
introduction to VR and give an understanding of its potential. 
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