International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004
solution can be found, provided that these vectors are not
collinear. D is the intersection of P and P'. The computed
solution is:
P. -—
Rs Z
,;— hormiN,AJN/)
Figure 3: Stereo line example.
Figure 3 example displays the selected features (a) and the
matched object on the computed solution (b). Then suc-
cessive interactive actions are:
- 1) translation along D (c),
- 2) rotation around D (d).
Both images may display a distinct part of the 3-D edge.
This could be useful to limit the number of views when
modelling large objects as no overlap is required.
3.4 Shape of revolution configuration
This solution estimates the axis A of a shape of revolution
from the specification of its contours in two views. Let S,
and S» (resp. S, and 5%) be the selected segments, and P;
and P» (resp. Pj and P2) their interpretation planes with
normal vectors V and Va (resp. Vi and V2). Axis À 1s the
intersection of mediator planes P4; and P4,, where Par is
given by point C and vector NU Be Ni 4 Na.
If Ni and Ni are not collinear, the solution is:
7, norm( Nm A N°)
Rs : P; = £4 1 A
Y zs norm CP SA s)
where a L b is the othogonal projection of a on b.
Figure 5: Shape of revolution example.
Figure 5 example displays the selected features (a) and the
matched object on the computed solution (b). Then suc-
cessive interactive actions are:
- 1) translation along .A (c),
- 2) rotation around .A (d).
It is interesting to note that this solution may handle any
object that contains in particular a cylindrical or conical
3.5 Coplanar features configuration
This solution computes a 3-D plane 7T from the selection
of a set of coplanar features in two images. It fixes two
rotation and one translation parameters. Proposed sets are:
e three points P; (resp. P/), à € [1,3]; each couple
of interpretation lines £; and £; theorically intersects
in point M;. The triplet (M,, My, M3) defines 77.
Actually the interpretation lines do not intersect be-
cause of numerical errors in calibration, numerization
or manual selection tasks. Therefore each M; is com-
puted as a rough but sufficient estimation as the mid-
dle point between Z; and £j. The plane 7f can be
computed if the three points are not aligned.
e one line segment S and one point P (resp. S' and P/);
the segments interpretation planes intersect in line D,
and a point M is obtained by triangulation of P and
P' (figure 6). If M does not belong to D, 7( is defined
by D and M.
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