Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 4. The conical zone of a target 
Figure 5. The “very” vertex of a target 
g) The steps a to f are repeated for all targets, and all vertices 
coordinates are obtained in the same reference system (laser 
If a topographic survey has been carried out, an adjustment can 
be then performed, to impose the geometric congruence of the 
vertices, and, through a final rototranslation, the absolute 
coordinates of the whole point cloud are obtained. 
The merging and pairwise alignment of adjacent 3D images can 
be easily obtained, using common targets. 
A test has been performed, at the University of Padua. The 
facade of the Faculty of Engineering has been acquired. For the 
merging and orientation of the acquisitions, the described 
targets have been used (Figure 6). 
Figure 6. A target on the building facade 
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TC 2002

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