international Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
2. Initialisation with resection, which
demands the existence of sufficient GCPs
at the beginning of the survey.
In the first case, open sky for the GPS is vital. The
GPS/INS (Grewal et al., 2000) gives us the position
and attitude of the IMU, which — after applying the
lever arm and angles transformation — yield the EOP
of the two cameras.
As for the second case, at least three GCPs are
required for the determination of the position and
attitude of the two cameras by resection.
After the initialisation, intersection starts to map
(more) features. The vehicle moves and captures a
pair of images, and so on and so forth. The flowchart
of this procedure is laid out in Figure (4). Its
algorithm will be discussed in the following.
Known initial
Capture photos
Measure features’ coordinates
in image (x, y) and compute
their X, Y, Z by intersection
Move "s^ seconds
and capture photos
Measure features’ coordinates in image
(x, y) of known X, Y, Z. Compute Xo,
Yo, Zo. ©, @. x of the images by
Measure features’ coordinates
in image (x, y) and compute
their X, Y, Z by intersection
Figure 4: Flowchart of the Photogrammetric SLAM
To simplify the notation, we suppose that at each
image-acquisition epoch, 5 features are mapped. In
this way, the vectors and matrices used in the LSA
are (L/R = Left/Right images):
Vectors and matrices headed by a prime (e.g., X')
refer to the resection and those headed by two primes
(e.g., X' ) refer to the intersection.
Resection unknowns:
ôx(L,r) = [8X0 8Y, 8Z, 680 689 6k] (n)
Intersection unknowns:
ax <X; 0 AA 3%. ov Ww
Resection measurements:
; T
yiLr) = [xi Yeon ZI
Intersection measurements:
Y[ucyxü Xu Yu 759, 9x;
XRi Yni Xno Yno ZR0 OR On Kn]
Resection first design matrix:
Nw =| 28 x (L.R)
ox’ ox’
Intersection first design matrix:
Ae fut ev
Ox" Ox"
Resection second design matrix:
; oF(x) oF(y)
B e e——— A LR
(RTI y (L.R)
Intersection second design matrix:
Starting at epoch k with known coordinates,
intersection takes over:
ôx{ - NL UR (2)
LA „T( n ur s! "
Ne = Ak By Cy Bi Ar (3)
" aT "a nT = "
Uk = Ar (b. cts B; | Wi (4)
Cia. defined in Equations 12 and 13, is the
measurements co-variance matrix. wy is the
misclosure vector in LSA. The elements of xj are
used as GCPs at epoch k +7 to solve resection:
ôx; i = NC! Ur 5)
kd ALK] py (5
f rt f "f 11. A ,
Nau A OB aC BU] Aya]. (6)
un = A! (5, CC. BIT , 7
k+1 = Ares (Burt CynsrBrst) Wand! ) (7)
C. , defined in Equation 8, is the measurements
co-variance matrix. The elements of xk ali r) are
used in a stereo-model at epoch k + 7 to map n new
features, xp, - These m new features at epoch