Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Sheet 3-1 Calculation results 
Test scheme 1# building 3# building 
Station number 55 30 
Photography scale 1: 1000 1: 1000 
Photography mode Normal Convergence 
photography photography 
Object coordinate 
means of error (mm) 
X 0.52 0.47 
y 0.54 0.45 
Z 0.53 0. 48 
P 0.53 0.46 
Relative means of error | 10000 12000 
Model connection error | <10 <8 
Means of reliability 0.63 0.65 
Note: Distance and self calibration parameters added into 
adjustment system 
4.2 Conclusion 
a.Building free network based on the first model of independent 
coordinate system, the stance of first model affect sequence 
processing, normal photography is a better ways. 
b. Connection of free network consist of individual models, the 
error is transmitted inevitability. Systemic error rectification 
and relative control condition carried out can intensify the 
intensity of photogrammetry network.. 
c. Free network take centriod as reference coordinate system, 
known directions and coordinates under corresponding 
coordinate system can easy to transfer to other coordinate 
d. Finite iterative algorithm used to solve spatial coordinates of 
e. Comparing with classic bundle adjustment, advantages of 
free network bundle are: coordinate estimate values and precise 
are not affected by accuracy of starting point, the errors are 
even equality and small. 
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