Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
of calculating Qi(x;,y;) is 100(n) less than that of 
calculating distance d,(x;, y; J. 
Implementation times 
Basic operation 
dix; y.) Qi(x;. y;) 
Judgement 0 3 
[vr 6 2 
X/+ 9 1 
Jx 1 0 
|x] 1 0 
Table.1 Comparison of basic operation between d; (xi. v;) and 
Qi(x;, y;) 
It is very necessary to improve the efficiency of the algorithm 
for mass data processing. This paper discusses the theory and 
method of restrained edge mosaic in constructed TIN and 
describes our algorithm, the radial spatial division algorithm, in 
detail. The following conclusions can be obtained. 
(1) This paper proposes radial spatial division method and 
relative Formulates based on Qi(x;, y; ), and proves that 
this division method can assure that expanded triangle is 
in the independent sub-zone theoretically; 
(2) Relative algorithm of restrained edge mosaic in 
constructed TIN with radial spatial division method based 
on Qi(x;, y;) is proposed. The analysis shows that the 
frequency count of executing this algorithm’s basic 
operation , ‘x/+?, is just one tenth of that of spatial 
division algorithm based on distance; 
(3) The conception of spatial division tree is also proposed in 
this paper. It is shown that this tree will be great benefit 
for the reconstruction of triangles and their topology in 
region affected by restrained edge after spatial division. 
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