Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

Tokyo Denki University, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 
350-0394 HATOYAMA, SAITAMA, JAPAN — (ohdake, chikatsu)@g.dendai.ac.jp 
Commission V, WG V/1 
KEY WORDS: Integration, System, Calibration, Algorithms, Measurement, Image, Laser, Performance 
A convenient 3D measurement using amateur digital cameras is enormously expected in various fields with appearance of the high- 
resolution amateur digital cameras. In these circumstances, software for low-cost digital photogrammetry “3DiVision” was designed 
to perform convenient 3D measurement using amateur digital cameras. However, there are still problems for efficient digital 
photogrammetry. These problems are distance measurement for absolute orientation and previous interior orientation, and these 
restrictions should be removed for ideal convenient photogrammetry using amateur digital cameras. 
With this objective, Image Based Integrated Measurement (IBIM) System consisting of 5 parts: mirrors, amateur digital camera, 
laser range finder, personal computer and monitor was developed by the authors. The most remarkable point of this system is its 
ability to calculate both of exterior and interior orientation parameters without scale distance or GCP in object field. This paper 
describes the Image Based Integrated Measurement System, and its performance evaluation. 
The change in photogrammetry from analog to digital means a 
change from film to CCD (Charge Coupled Device) sensor, and 
real-time imaging became possible. CCD, which was invented 
in 1970's, is one of the electric charge transfer device in 
semiconductor, and its resolution was about only 10K bytes at 
the first stage. However, there are various high-resolution 
armature digital cameras, which have more than 3 mega pixels 
on the market nowadays, and 43,400,000 sets of amateur digital 
cameras were shipped in 2003. On the contrary, 13,930,000 sets 
of film camera were shipped (CIPA, 2004). Furthermore, 
acceleration of downsizing is current trends. In these 
circumstances, amateur digital cameras are expected to 
contribute enormously to digital photogrammetric field, and 
there are various digital photogrammetric software on the 
The authors have been concentrating on developing a 
convenient 3D measurement system using amateur digital 
cameras. Performance evaluation of 3-mega armature digital 
cameras was investigated (Kunii &  Chikatsu, 2001). 
Measurement device using amateur digital cameras and laser 
range finder was developed which doesn’t need any surveying 
on an object field, and software “3DiVision” was designed to 
perform convenient 3D measurements (Chikatsu & Kunii 2002). 
Furthermore, application of 3DiVision to 3D modelling of 
historical object was also investigated from the viewpoint of 
digital archives (Nakada & Chikatsu 2003). 
In order to realize convenient digital photogrammetry by using 
armature digital camera, however, there are still issues 
including 3DiVision. These problems are ground control points, 
previous interior orientation procedures. Generally, digital 
photogrammetry is performed using under alternative 
a) Ground control points, which have accurate 3D-coordinate. 
b) Scale distance on object field, which is needed in absolute 
c) Interior orientation procedures, which are performed 
These restrict conditions should be removed for ideal 
convenient photogrammetry. With this motive, Image Based 
Integrated Measurement (IBIM) System was developed by the 
authors. The most remarkable point of this IBIM is its ability to 
calculate both exterior and interior orientation parameters 
simultaneously without scale distance, GCP and previous 
interior orientation procedures. After describing the IBIM, 
performance evaluation is investigated in this paper. 
Image Based Integrated Measurement (IBIM) System 
developed by the authors consists of 5 parts: mirrors, amateur 
digital camera, laser range finder, personal computer and 
monitor. Figure 1 shows the appearance of this system, and 
Figure 2 shows the configuration. The IBIM is able to rotate in 
vertically and horizontally so that precise space distance from 
the center of a camera to feature points on object field can be 
measured, and images are taken through the capture device with 
real-time. Therefore, onsite camera calibration and 3D 
measurement are achieved. The specifications of this system are 
as follows. 

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