Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

already generated salient points. The rank of a window is an 
integer value denoting the gray shade rank of the central 
pixel as compared with other pixels of the window. It is 
assumed that conjugate features should demonstrate a rather 
similar rank values. Our experiment with different data sets 
show that the rank values can contribute effectively to the 
determination of the conjugate features. 
3.3 Matching of Corresponding Key Points Based on 
Fuzzy Logic 
Although in the classical image matching approaches 
radiometric and geometric conditions are effective tools for 
the determination of the conjugate points, in practice, 
however, the main problem with these methods is their 
inability to reliably and realistically fuse these conditions for 
decision making. There are several schemes for the fusion of 
different conditions (Strother ef al., 1994). 
Fuzzy reasoning is one of these methods by which the 
parameters that influence the decision making process can be 
realistically fused using a human like reasoning strategy. 
This is achieved by defining the so called linguistic variables, 
linguistic labels and membership functions. The fuzzy 
reasoning process is then realized using the fuzzy if-then 
rules that enable the linguistic statements to be treated 
mathematically (Nyongesa and Rosin, 2000). Our proposed 
linguistic variables (Table 1) are: (a) y-difference, (b) x- 
difference, (c) correlation coefficient, and (d) rank 
differences. The first two items control the geometric side 
and the last two items control the semantic part of the 
matching operations. For each of these items membership 
functions are defined by an experienced photogrammetric 
TABLE 1. Linguistic variables and labels for the fuzzy based 
image matching operation. 
Linguistic Linguistic 
Variables Labels 
fn Very Small, Small, Large, 
Ÿ Difference er Small Small, Large 
; : : Very Large 
SA Very Small, Small, Medium 
5 'y Small, Small, Medium, 
X Difference ery Sm a edit 
Large, Very Large 
Input - - 
; ; Very Week, Week, Medium, 
Correlation a nn 
Radiometric Good, Fine, Excellent 
Texture Diff Very Small, Small, Medium, 
Ü rr Large. Very Large 
oy i - ; Not, Probably Not, 
Output Conjugate Conjugation Probably Yes Yes 
The potential of the proposed method is evaluated using a 
real periapical and panoramic dental radiograms (Figure. 3). 
Registration process is performed hierarchically using five- 
layer image pyramids. Each pyramid layer has four times 
reduced resolution in relation to its previous layer. 
Table 2 shows the independent results for each pyramid layer 
obtained by the fuzzy logic process. A comparison between 
the number of the detected features in each layer and the 
number of matched points (see Table 2) clearly indicates how 
the fuzzy reasoning process has eliminated some of the 
points in each layer. These are the points for which the 
geometric and the radiometric conditions have not been 
satisfied according to the fuzzy parameters settings. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Panoramic radiogram 
Periapical radiogram 
Figure 3. Evaluation data set 
Table 2. The number of matched points and the 
corresponding residual errors on different layers 
Reference | Target Matcli 
Layer Image Image ; Method Order 
; ; Points 
Points Points 
5 10 7 5 P2=P4 
4 19 13 11 P2-P4 2 
3 28 25 19 P2=P4 2 
2 37 32 29 P2#P4 2 
1 49 41 38 P2zP4 2 
Figure 4. shows the final result of registration of prepaical 
radiogram to panoramic radiogram base on the formulation 
of last layer of matching process (layer -1). 
Figure 4. Registration result 
The proposed automatic image registration method discussed 
in this paper, has proved to be very efficient and reliable for 
automatic registration of different dental radiograms. The 
implemented methodology 
of a) 
Utilization of a multiresolution representation of information 
and mathematical models, b) Employing a fuzzy reasoning 
system for conjugate feature identification and modelling. 
In spite of the success which is gained in the implementation 
of the presented method, the topic by no means is exhausted 
and still a great deal of research works are needed. These 
research works should be focused mainly on the development 
of a more sophisticated fuzzy reasoning system, interest 
operator and matching strategy. All of these are currently 
under investigation in our institute. 
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