Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

Jafar Amiri Parian, Armin Gruen 
Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich 
(parian, agruen)(geod.baug.ethz.ch 
Commission V, WG V/1 
KEY WORDS: Close Range, Photogrammetry, Panoramic Camera, Calibration, Sensor, Modeling, Accuracy, Test 
Digital terrestrial panoramic cameras constitute an interesting new development, which is currently primarily used for purely imaging 
purposes such as indoor imaging, landscape recording, tourism advertising and Internet representations. However, the capability of 
taking high-resolution images continuously over the full horizon generates an efficient means for 3D object reconstruction as well. 
For that the particular sensor model has to be established and the inherent accuracy potential has to be investigated. We designed a 
sensor model, which models substantial deviations from the pinhole model using additional parameters. The sensor model maps the 
object space into the image space. The mapping function is the pinhole model-based perspective transformation in the form of bundle 
equations. In practice, there are many systematic errors disturbing the ideal model, which can be modeled as additional parameters. 
Additional parameters relate to the camera itself, the configuration of camera and turntable, and mechanical errors of the camera 
system during rotation (i.e. tumbling). In this paper we will present the results of calibration with additional parameters for two 
panoramic cameras, which indicate a subpixel accuracy level for such highly dynamic systems. We also investigate into the problem 
of temporal stability of the systematic errors. Finally we will demonstrate the systems’ accuracy in 3D point positioning, including 
minimal number of control points adjustment. With these new panoramic imaging devices we do have additional powerful sensors 
for image recording and efficient 3D object modeling. 
The first panoramic cameras used in Photogrammetry were 
film-based aerial cameras. The Manual of Photogrammetry, 
1980 lists a number of types, which differ mechanically and 
optically from each other. A prototype of an aerial panoramic 
camera can be modeled as a camera with a cylindrical focal 
surface, in which the image is acquired by sweeping a slit across 
this surface (Hartley, 1993). Through the integration of CCD 
technology, new types of airborne and terrestrial digital 
panoramic cameras were generated, using Linear Array CCDs 
as imaging devices. The EYESCAN, jointly developed by 
German Aerospace Center (DLR) and KST Dresden GmbH and 
the SpheroCam, SpheronVR AG are two different types of 
line-based panoramic cameras. The EYESCAN camera as used 
in terrestrial photogrammetric applications was addressed in 
Scheibe et al, 2001. Schneider and Maas, 2003 and Amiri 
Parian and Gruen, 2003 have worked on the mathematical 
modeling of line-based panoramic cameras. Schneider and Maas 
investigated a geometrical model for a prototype of the 
EYESCAN panoramic camera and they performed calibration 
by using a 3D testfield (Schneider and Maas, 2003). They also 
performed 3D positioning using bundle block adjustment 
(Schneider and Maas, 2004). We have worked on the 
mathematical model of general line-based panoramic cameras. 
We performed calibration and accuracy test using a 3D testfield 
for EYESCAN and SpheroCam (Amiri Parian and Gruen, 
2003). We improved mathematical model by modeling the 
mechanical error of the rotating turntable, tumbeling, and we 
reported the improvement of the accuracy by a factor of two in 
the case of using tumbling parameters in the bundle adjustment 
process (Amiri Parian and Gruen, 2004). 
In this paper, by defining image- and block-invariant parameters 
we put emphasis on 3D positioning using a minimal number of 
control points. The paper will be organized as follows. Chapter 
| gives a short review of the panoramic cameras SpheroCam 
and EYESCAN. Chapter 2 addresses our mathematical sensor 
model. Chapter 4 covers the result of adjustment, included the 
results of the physical measurement of the tumbling for the 
SpheroCam, and the calibration results of EYESCAN 
with/without tumbling parameters. In this chapter we 
demonstrate the system accuracy for EYESCAN using a 
testfield with as few as possible control points. 
Several techniques have been used for panoramic imaging. 
Mosaicing/stitching of a rotated frame-CCD camera, mirror 
technology including single mirror and multi mirrors, near 180 
degrees with large frame cameras or one shot with fish-eye lens 
and recently a new technology of creating high resolution 
panoramic image by rotating a line-CCD camera are some 
known methods for panoramic imaging. Up to now, these 
techniques have mainly been used for pure imaging purposes, 
such as indoor imaging, landscape and cultural heritage 
recording, tourism advertising and image-based rendering, and 
recently for efficient Internet representations. Among the 
mentioned techniques for panoramic imaging, the last one has a 
possibility to produce a high-resolution panoramic image (more 
than 300 Mpixels) in onc shot. The camera principle consists of 
a lincar array, which is mounted on a high precision turntable 
parallel to the rotation axis. By rotation of the turntable, the 
linear array sensor captures the scenery as a continuous set of 
vertical scan lines. 
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