Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

1 for purely imaging 
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1 the form of bundle 
Iditional parameters. 
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parameters for two 
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invariant parameters 
minimal number of 
as follows. Chapter 
Cameras SpheroCam 
mathematical sensor 
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lis of EYESCAN 
this chapter we 
.YESCAN using a 
panoramic imaging. 
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iot with fish-eye lens 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Table 1. Parameters of EYESCAN and SpheroCam panoramic cameras 
EYESCAN SpheroCam 
Number of pixel in linear array (vertical format) 
3600 or 10200 pixels per line 
5300 pixels per line 
Horizontal format (depends on the focal lens) 
27489 pixels (35 mm lens) 
39267 pixels (50 mm lens) 
Pixel size 7 or 8 microns 8 microns 
In our tests we used two line-based rotating panoramic cameras, 
a prototype of EYESCAN M3, a joint development between 
German Aerospace Center (DLR) and KST Dresden GmbH”. 
The camera is engineered for rugged everyday field use as well 
as for the measurement laboratory. The other panoramic camera 
used here is the SpheroCam from the SpheronVR AG™ which 
operates similar to EYESCAN. 
2.1. EYESCAN M3 
Figure 1 shows the sensor system and Table 1 shows format 
parameters of the camera. The camera system contains three 
parts: camera head, optical part, and high precision turntable 
with a DC-gearsystem motor. The camera head is connected to 
the PC with a bi-directional fiber link for data transmission and 
camera control. The optical part of the system uses high 
performance Rhodenstock lenses. With adjustment rings one 
can use other lenses. The camera head is mounted on a high 
precision turntable with a sinus-commutated DC-gearsystem 
motor (Scheibe et al., 2001), internal motion control and direct 
controlling by the PC. Rotation speed and scan angle are pre- 
selectable and correspond to the shutter speed, image size and 
focal length of the lens. For a more detailed description see 
Schneider and Maas (2003). 
2.2. SpheroCam 
The structure of the SpheroCam (Figure 1) includes three parts, 
the camera head, the optical part which is compatible with 
NIKON-Ilenses, and a DC motor to rotate the Linear Array. The 
SpheroCam is specially designed for use with a fish-eye lens, 
with a near 180? vertical field of view. As it rotates about its 
vertical axis, the SpheroCam then captures a complete spherical 
image. It is designed to capture high quality images. Table ! 
contains the format parameters of SpheroCam. For more detail 
on specifications of the camera see Amiri Parian and Gruen 
The sensor model as a mapping function is based on a 
projective transformation in the form of bundle equations, 
which maps the 3D object space information into the 2D image 
space. The sensor model uses the following coordinate systems: 
e Pixel coordinate system 
e Linear Array coordinate system 
e 3D auxiliary coordinate system 
e 3D object coordinate system 
Figure 2 shows the pixel coordinate (i, j) system. The original 
image observations are saved in this system. Figure 3 shows the 
other coordinate systems: Linear Array (0, y, z), auxiliary 
(X', Y', Z') and object space (X, Y, Z) coordinate systems. The 
* / ; 
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http WWW, spheron .com/ 
Figure 1. Digital terrestrial panoramic cameras. EYESCAN 
(left) and SpheroCam (right). 
effects of lens distortion and the shift of the principal point are 
modeled in the Linear Array coordinate system. The rotation of 
the Linear Array and mechanical errors of the rotating turntable 
are modeled in the auxiliary coordinate system. The object 
space coordinate system is used as a reference for determining 
the exterior orientation parameters of the sensor. 
To define the auxiliary coordinate system, an ideal panoramic 
camera is considered. Here the origin of the auxiliary coordinate 
system coincides with the projection center O. The rotation axis 
passes through the projection center and coincides with Z'. X' 
passes through the start position of the Linear Array before 
rotation and Y' is defined to get a right-handed coordinate 
row (i) 
Figure 2. Pixel coordinate system (i, j). 
The model, which directly relates pixel observations (i, j) to the 
object points (X, Y, Z), for an ideal sensor becomes (Amiri 
Parian and Gruen, 2003): 
‘9 uy eue yr 
y RAP A Ma | YE, 
ge Le 
With (1) 
QU A : 
Zml-1 0 OF y -(-—)A, 
ol, 1 * 
Where, 4 is horizontal pixel size and A, is vertical pixel size. 
N is the number of pixel in linear array.

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