Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

B5. Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
whether the effect is stationary with respect to time, the 
measurements were carried out at 4 different epochs. Figure 6 
shows the observations for one epoch. A Fourier analysis of the 
signal was carried out, which shows a high peak at the period 
near Z (Figure 6). The analysis of the other epochs shows that 
the camera is not stable over time. The instability of the camera 
causes different amplitudes and periods of the observations. 
Figure 7 shows the observations and the power spectrum of 
another epoch. These experiences indicate that the camera has a 
periodic oscillation. 
CE ot rotation axis for & pores Camera (SpheroCam) 
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Spectral analysis of inclination of rotation axis for a panoramic camera {SpheroCam) 
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Figure 6. Observations for the inclination of the turntable 
(top) and the corresponding power spectrum (bottom) for 
epoch 1. 
iets of rotation axis for a passante camera SPS 
inclination (mmm) 
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x 10° Spectral analysis of inclination of rotation axis for a panoramic camera (SpheroCami 
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Figure 7. Observations for the inclination of the turntable 
(top) and the corresponding power spectrum (bottom) for 
epoch 2. 
4.2. Camera Calibration 
Camera calibration was performed by the mentioned sensor 
model using additional parameters. For the analysis of the 
additional parameters (to find the most influential parameters 
and those which are stable under the given network condition) 
we added step by step each parameter to the previous stage of 
the model and used the correlations for stability checking. 
Comparing the additional parameters of different images, we 
found the image and block-invariant parameters. We will report 
the result of calibration in the following sections for the last 
4.2.1. SpheroCam 
The camera calibration was performed using a testfield. We 
established a testfield with 96 circular targets at our institute and 
used it for the calibration of the SpheroCam. The testfield was 
measured with a Theodolite with mean precision of 0.3, 0.3, 0.1 
mm for the three coordinate axes (X, Y, Z). The camera 
calibration was performed by the additional parameters 
mentioned in chapter 3. To model the tumbling error 6 
parameters were used. The a posteriori variance of unit weight 
is 0.59 pixel (4.7 microns) after self-calibration. Figure 8 shows 
the residuals of the image point observations in the image space 
for this case. A comparison of the computed tumbling 
parameters of different images shows that none of the tumbling 
parameters is block-invariant. To see the effect of tumbling 
parameters, a camera calibration was performed with the same 
condition but without tumbling parameters. In this case the a 
posteriori variance of unit weight is 1.37 pixels (10.9 microns). 
4.2.2. EYESCAN 
For EYESCAN, we got the image and field observations from 
Mr. Schneider, TU Dresden. TU's testfield consists of more 
than 200 control points and the mean precision of control points 
is 0.2, 0.3, 0.1 mm for the three coordinate axes (X, Y, Z). The 
camera calibration was performed with the same model and the 
additional parameters as mentioned in chapter 3. To model the 
tumbling error of this camera 3 parameters were used. The a 
posteriori computed variance of unit weight is 0.33 pixel (2.6 
microns) Figure 9 shows the residuals of the image point 
observations in the image space. A comparison of the computed 
tumbling parameters of different images shows that 2 of 3 
tumbling parameters are block-invariant. In the case that 
tumbling parameters were not used the a posteriori computed 
variance of unit weight is 1.30 pixels (10.4 microns). 
4.3. Block Adjustment with Accuracy Test 
An accuracy test was performed for EYESCAN by block 
triangulation using 5 camera stations and by defining 151 check 
and 3 control points. Considering the result of camera 
calibration for different images, totally 8 parameters were used 
as unknown block-invariant, 1 parameter as priori known 
parameter (camera constant) and 6 parameters as image- 
invariant parameters. Table 2 shows the summary of the results 
of adjustment without the modeling of the tumbling. The RMS 
errors of check points compared with the standard deviations 
are too large. The reason is that the mathematical model is not 
complete and cannot interpret the physical behavior of the 
dynamic camera system. To complete the mathematical model, 
tumbling parameters were added and the accuracy test was 
performed. In this case, 8 parameters were used as unknown 
block-invariant, 4 parameters as a priori known parameters 
(camera constant and 3 tumbling parameters), and 6 parameters 
as image-invariant parameters. The summary of the results of 
adjustment is in the Table 3. Figures 10 and 11 show the object 
space residuals for checkpoints in depth axes (X and Y) and 
lateral axis (Z). The RMS errors of check points, compared with 
standard deviations, are reasonable and shows the effect the 
tumbling parameters in the modeling. However, the systematic 
patterns of the residuals have not been completely removed, but 
the size of the errors is significantly reduced. The remained 
systematic errors may come from non-modeled mechanical 
errors of the camera. 
For the accuracy test, similar to the conventional close range 
photogrammetry (frame CDD cameras), 3 control points were 

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