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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
monitoring (Fraser 2001) provided retro-reflective targets are
used. In this case, following tests on glue permanence, it was
possible to use standard engineering grade retro-reflective
targets 2mm in diameter in areas of bare wood and to use
"natural points", with an acceptance that the precision of these
would be lower, in painted regions.
A multi-photo network design could then be instigated based
upon the constraints of the conservation studio, the requirement
to monitor both sizes of the Retable and the imaging properties
of a Kodak DCS460 camera fitted with 28 and 24mm lenses.
The chosen network design is shown in figure 4. The datum for
the coordinate system was defined by selection of key retro
targeted points on the structure, with scale defined by calibrated
invar metrology scale bars. A self calibrating bundle adjustment
was used to ensure rigorous data processing.
Figure 4: Photogrammetric network — black points are natural
features, red points are retro-targets.
Number of target image observations 14,275
Number of exposures in the network 108
Number of targets and natural features 483
RMS image residual 0.84um
Mean precision of target coordinates 20 um
Worst case target precision 90 um
Relative precision for the network | : 202,000
Table 1: Typical adjustment data
The series of bundle adjustment outputs consisting of the XYZ
coordinates of targets and natural features, the exterior
orientation of each photo in the network, the interior orientation
(calibration) of each camera in the network and their associated
variance / covariance are described with respect to the
coordinate system datum. This data must be processed to
determine which (if any) points have moved significantly and
then to present any movement in an appropriate manner to the
art conservator. A valid test of movement requires that the
datum of the object coordinate system must be based only on
3D points which have not moved. The method chosen utilises
the differences between object co-ordinates at each epoch in
conjunction with their associated covariance matrices. Full
details are given in (Robson 1995), but in essence the method
proceeds according to the following steps:
* An initial common datum is provided by the method
of inner constraints including all target coordinates in
the constraint matrix.
* A global congruency test is carried out to determine if
there is significant movement between the two epochs
e Any unstable points are removed one by one. Each
time a point is removed the datum will change and is
redefined by a localisation procedure which
transforms both the targets and their associated
covariance matrices to the new datum
® A local congruency test is applied after the removal of
each point
2.2 Results
Monitoring whilst upright indicated that the Retable warped, to
the order of +/-1.5mm, but did not twist. Dimensional changes
in the plane of the Retable were found to range between -0.9
and 0.7mm. Most movement was found to occur in the end
panels which were less mechanically constrained (Figure 5).
Significantly there were no identifiable disparate movements
between points located either side of joins in the horizontal
supporting boards.
Figure 5: Epochs 3 to 4 (Retable in upright position in
supporting cradle).
A horizontal support could therefore be constructed that would
accommodate the degree of deformation that the Retable would
encounter due to change in orientation and changes in humidity.
The support distributed tensions so that new cracks should not
nucleate and existing cracks should not significantly propagate.
Comparison of several photographic surveys of the Retable,
undertaken during its treatment, indicated that no visible
damage has been caused by its change of orientation.
Figure 6 demonstrates changes occurring in laying the Retable
on its rear surface. After 1 week, settling of the order of 1.6mm
has occurred in the centre whilst the outside edges have lifted
by up to 1.4mm. In this case the level of detectable movement
was 0.13mm
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Figure 6: Deformation between Epochs 4 and 5 (Retable rotated
into a horizontal plane)
2.3 Photogrammetric monitoring summary
Multi-photo photogrammetric monitoring has proven a useful
tool in the periodic monitoring of the Retable giving the