Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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Figure 9: Inclusion of edge information 
The final 3D point cloud prompts the update of the Delaunay 
triangles. Upon examining the updated 3D surface model, 
potential model fidelity discrepancies due to discontinuities and 
gradient changes can be successfully addressed by introducing 
edges. The single pixel width edges in this example have been 
extracted using a canny edge detector and converted into a 
linked list of edge points so that they can be processed in a 
similar manner to the initial interest points. To achieve this edge 
detection is initialised in a seed image and the subsequent 
process of creating 3D edge segments proceeds in the manner 
described for the interest points. Once computed in 3D, the 
points are grouped to produce 3D edge segments which may 
then be used to constrain the existing triangulated surface. This 
method provides a high level of model fidelity. 
3.1.1 Summary of the multi-photo surface extraction method 
e A multi-photo convergent image set are used to 
automatically measure the Retable surface and 
generate a surface model 
e Network adjustment ensures correct image geometry 
e A generate basic triangulated surface model from 
target point data is produced (such a model is 
consistent in both image and object space) 
e Seed interest points are identified (Foerstner operator) 
on a triangle by triangle basis 
e  Multi-photo epipolar constraints are used in 
conjunction with triangle boundary information to 
identify search regions for possible homologues in 
other images 
*  Multi-photo patch matching with geometric 
constraints ensure accurate homologous point 
e An intersection solution at a specified tolerance level 
validate the data and produce 3D coordinates 
e Surface triangles are automatically updated at each 
3.2 Surface measurement summary 
The described approach to surface densification provides a 
dense surface point cloud with sub-millimetre level precision. 
This level of precision is supported with results of the network 
adjustment and has been validated against known engineering 
surfaces in the laboratory (Papadaki 2002). Quality of the 
derived model data is further supported by the fidelity of the 
model when inspected in 3D with the calibration corrected 
imagery draped onto the triangle network. 
The technique can resolve issues such as occlusion by 
integrating measurements from different views. Fine detail can 
be successfully included by careful selection of minimum image 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
processing patch sizes and careful image acquisition at an 
appropriate magnification. Spurious data, due in the case of the 
Retable, to repetitive decorative patterns are filtered out by the 
geometric and radiometric constraints employed throughout the 
Ultimately, the method is limited by the image network 
geometry and the existence of and appropriate surface views 
and texture content within the images. In this case, the use of 
edge detection has provided significant advantages over other 
methods due to the nature of the surface of the Retable, which is 
characterised by sharp gradient changes and linear features 
produced by paint layering and wood frame designs. 
Figure 10: Rendered surface model of the Retable 
Photogrammetric surveys were undertaken primarily to assess 
the mechanical response of a complex object to its environment. 
However, as a result of these surveys, a 3D model of the 
Retable was created that offered other functionalities. These 
additional functions — static measurements and spatial 
referencing — are a consequence of the existence of a 
dimensionally accurate digital image. 
A spatially referenced image of the Retable enabled the creation 
of a database that facilitated the documentation of the 
conservators work. Traditionally, a conservator will generate a 
written record of their work as it progresses. This is document is 
supplemented by the results of technical analysis and visual 
records such as X-rays, Infra Red reflectographs, and 
photographic images of the object before, during and after 
treatment. If the object and the treatment are relatively 
straightforward, involving relatively few conservators working 
over a period of months, then such methods of documentation 
are completely appropriate. However, the complexity of the 
Retable and its treatment required project management support 
software that did not exist. Using principles related to those 
employed in GIS software, a conservation database was built. 
A hierarchical description of the Retable was created as a 
framework for the five thousand or so separate components of 
which it is comprised. This included all original components 
(from the six oak planks to several hundred small gems) and all 
later additions (the wooden reinforcements attached to the back 
at the turn of the nineteenth century, etc). The boundary of each 
individual component was also outlined on the digital image (or 
multiple images — one for the front, one for the reverse, one X- 
ray mosaic, etc). 
The conservators could then approach the Retable as an 
assembly of individual spatially related components. Access 
was either via a standard directory-structure type hierarchy or 

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