Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
nominal plane. The total number of parameters was nearly 
doubled, but still it was only a fraction of equivalent num- 
ber of a free net model. The new model can represented as 
Xi COS 06080; 
Vz u Sind, 
Z; = 1 - sina; : cos0; 
Also a change was made how the rotation matrix of indi- 
vidual camera pose is derived from block parameter an- 
Rin = Roy, 40.10 ! Ra; 0; 
The block adjustment was recomputed with the new model. 
Now the systematic pattern was essentially reduced. Simi- 
lar illustration of projection center height fluctuation was 
depicted as with free net solution (Figure 6). From the 
same figure it can clearly be seen that there is approxi- 
mately a 6mm height difference between image blocks, 
otherwise fluctuation inside one block is rather small in 
size of T — 29mm. 
1.34 T T T T T T T 
Blockl — — 
Block IE ------ 
Ss nm N UN ERR d 
uns meet 3 
LL té | 
1.325 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 
o— angle (Deg) 
Figure 6: The fluctuation of projection center y- 
coordinates after adjustment with refined estimation 
model. Values are depicted according to two separate im- 
age blocks respect to o -angle. 
The shift on y-coordinates of the projection centers be- 
tween two blocks might have happened when camera was 
turned around in opposite direction in order to create the 
second block. 
4.1 Accuracy assessment 
In order to compare photogrammetric data with reference 
data the rigid 3D transformation between data sets was 
calculated. The length of point differences represents the 
absolute coordinate difference between data sets including 
inaccuracies of both measuring methods and the coordinate 
transformation (Figure 7). The point differences near the 
origin are more due to unsuitability of tachymeter measur- 
ing in short distances. Whereas the tachymeter coordinates 
of points far off are more reliable, the differences between 
data sets there are more due to limitation of photogrammet- 
ric methods. The second order curve (depicted in Figure 7) 
was fitted into the data set of point differences. It can be 
compared with equivalent representation of simulated data 
in Figure 2. Although, it has to be remembered that the In this 
camera model and imaging configuration were not entirely present 
equivalent. the idea 
KEG ; final stz 
0.09 | - a straig 
acl | erized 
) to be p 
Oy A been te 
$ 0.06 | e ur : out any 
P wl P J erence | 
8 ut to be b 
3 1 ] pair me 
0.03 + ee y em sen € j is up to 
0.02 - SM t | : tr © - is quite 
sou © Ted : | Howewvt 
2 0 : T 15 20 further | 
Distance (m) have to 
Figure 7: The length of point differences respect to object ditions 
distance. is desig 
space f 
As mentioned before, the tachymeter data cannot be treated than on 
totally free of errors. More representative depiction of how more pi 
consistent the photogrammetric data set is, or is not, with terms o 
tachymeter data, can be seen in Figure 8. For this represen- 
tation, all possible combinations of line segments inside 
the data set were calculated and corresponding lengths of 
lines in both data sets were compared respect to nominal 
values of the line lengths. In Figure 8 the second order Fraser. 
curve depicts the prevalent tendency of differences respect topogra 
to line lengths. The variation of differences in length is pre- ginia U 
sumably due to distance of the point pair from origin. More Heikkir 
far off the point pair locates from the origin, more inaccu- Time Ir 
rate the point determination is. Based on this assumption ISPRS 
it is obvious that longer the line segment is, more prob- A 
able it is that at least one of the points will locate farther Heikkir 
off. Therefore the variation with longer lines is larger than In: XIX 
with shorter ones. In Figure 8 it is essential to notice that Amster 
with lines about 10m long the difference is below 10mm 
in most cases. This tells about reasonable consistency with Heikkir 
data sets. tory. In 
et t SPIE S 
0.09 + cd 
Put 3 in close 
027 - ; ar Long-R 
E ae]: & | Greece, 
3 0.05 |- . " ubi s i 2 He. d. s A Pe 1 Parian, 
p Me T arid | for pan 
3 : T der (ed 
2 : XXXIV 
0.02 F* = 
0.01 Ë 
un po T un 15 s 20 25 
Length of line segment (m) 
Figure 8: Comparison of data set point pairwise. The dif- 
ference is depicted respect to length of line segments.

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