Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
fon asa as: 252-143 an 0 98 1:022 13 3 35 2 43 3 A3 6. 
Figure 4. Error map showing discrepancies between both 
surfaces (real vs. modelled). 
Furthermore, this program performs the development of both 
inner and outer surfaces, depending on the direction i.e. 
leftwards or rightwards. Figure 5 shows the result of two 
outer developments. 
Figure 5. Set of two unwrapped images 
33 Results 
The final product was a raster digital product that shows the 
entire tower's exterior surface (Figure 6). The final image is 
obviously scaled, allowing it to be used in multiple tasks: 
inventories, visualisation and analyses of monument 
deteriorations, measurements (punctual, lineal or areal), 
updating of architectural information systems, plottings, 
thematic mapping. It is even worthy for foreseeing future 
conservation and restoration actions, and many multimedia 
purposes of our Cultural Heritage can be derived. 
Besides, it was also estimated the final accuracy of the digital 
product in order to be sure whether or not the initial 
geometric requirements were fulfilled. For this purpose, 
many measures were computed, considering control and test 
points belonging to the tower. Mean discrepancies, 
minimum, maximum and relative errors, as well as mean 
Square errors were computed. 
Following the direction of development, i.e. the x direction, 
the relative error in distance was 0.1696, meanwhile in the 
transverse direction, i.e. the y direction, the relative error was 
approximately 0.19%. Obviously, errors in both directions 
mean different, the former refers to the best cylindrical 
adjustment error; the latter depends overall on the surveying 
Figure 6. Mosaic of the whole exterior of the small tower 
This paper has dealt the mapping of mathematical surfaces 
corresponding to architectural or archaeological objects, 
using photogrammetric unwrapping techniques. 
After analysing the results, it can be estimated that the 
methodology of raster projection and development of 
mathematical surfaces is right. Furthermore, it should be 
considered whenever regular objects are concerned. 
Moreover, the availability of metric scaled images of the 
whole object or monument, in our case the small tower, eases 
the documentation, analyses, catalogue production and 
conservation of our Cultural Heritage. Furthermore, the 
visual impact and multimedia possibilities of mapping 2D 
and 3D objects should be emphasised. 
Besides, this methodology only requires the knowledge of a 
small sample of control points, and conventional digital 
images. Thus, the combination of this monoscopic measuring 
technique and the employment of camera calibration 
procedures based on the image space make expensive the use 
of DesenRec 1.0 to similar targets. Following this way, the 
measurement of planar and curved objects does not depend 
on the digital camera used, and it solves many problems 
coming out in mapping exterior and interior architectural or 
archaeological sites or monumets. Furthermore, this 
technique complements and widens the way of traditional 
stereo or monoscopic mapping. 
Hemmleb, M., Wiedemann, A., Digital Rectification and 
Generation of Orthoimages in Architectural 
Photogrammetry. International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Goteborg, Sweden, Vol. XXXII, Part 
SCIB, pp. 261-267, 1997. 
Karras, G. E., Patias, P., Petsa, E., Ketipis, K., Raster 
Projection and Development of Curved Surfaces. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote

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