Part B5. Istanbul 2004
) — 4010 in the case
010 3260 3510 3760 401
y0) obtained when the
S, we observe the extent
cal length influenced by
> principal point and the
)? — 70? in the case
50 55 60 65 70
y0) obtained when the
influences little on the
influences much on the
an see when A = 45°
owever, in practice it is
angle, thus the precision
gle-view calibration is
this method of camera
method based on multi
hing points, the exterior
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
orientation parameters of camera are not obvious in the model of
calibration, therefore they are irrelevant with interior orientation
parameters. Accordingly, the view of angle has a great impact on
the accuracy of interior orientation parameters. According to
error analysis above, we propose the idea that formulate interior
and exterior orientation parameters into the adjustment model,
and then calibrate by multi views rotating around the object. This
method can restrain the error existing in single-view calibration.
Orientation parameters are the function of vanishing points, on
the other hand, vanishing points are also the function of
orientation parameters. Fig. 7 is illustrated as plane scenograph
of Fig. 1.
Zo G Xoc
Figure 7. Plane scenograph
Linking with Fig. 1, we can obtain the functional relationship
between exterior angle orientation parameters and vanishing
Xx 2:02 GA COSK -o0Gsinx
— f cotosecocosx — f tano sinx
Py 7-—GXosnxr-oGcosx
— —f cotosecosinx — f tane cosx
Xs = Oyosinx = f cotæœsinx (6)
Yi. = OYocosx = f cotæcosx
“an meGAocoSK -oGsinx
= — f tan psecæw cos x — f tan œ sin x
Va, c mGZesina-oGcosx
— ftangsecosinx — f tano cosx
The computation of vanishing points is not the aim of calibration,
it just links straight lines of image to calibrating parameters.
Therefore, vanishing point shouldn't be viewed as unknown in
adjustment model. Linearizing formula (6),
dee 1 0 m. um. ced
ay y.. ay 0 1 ay as ay | dx
dv. _ | Q3ı | 0 de tesa le a (n
dv, aO. da 0:0, bald dp
d, U sua san iss Asa AO)
0 dk
a, = cot@ sec œ cos K — tan wsink
a, = —f csc’ psecacosk
a; = f cotpgtano seco cosx — f sec osink
d 7 —/f cot gsecasinx — f tan wcosk
a,, = —cot psecœ sin K — tan @ CosK
2 .
d4,- f csc psecosin K
d, — — f cot ptan o seco sin x — f sec” w cosx
a, =—f cotpsecæcosx + f tanœsin K
= 1 = 2 .
d4, — coto sink d,s = fest esinx
Ad, = f cotwcosk a, = cot@cosk
a,, =—fcsc’ wcosk a, = fcotwsink
as, = —tan @secwcosk — tan sin «
ds, = —f sec’ psecw cosy
2 .
d, — —f tangtano seco cosx — f sec osink
a, = f tanpsecæsin x — f tano cosx«
a, = tan psecœsin K — tan @ cos x
2 .
. 2
a, = ftanptan wsecwsink — f sec” wCcosk
a, = f tan@psecwcosk + f tan wsin x
Put formula (7) into formula (3), thus, an adjustment model,
where straight lines are directly relevant to calibrating parameters.
Take X00 as example, get formula (8)(functions of Yoo, Zoo
are the same with function of X00 ):
(vy —y 3 +(x = 3 J
+ (X: —v wv, id (x, > X;)Vy
+ (Ay Ya + An xy) t (asy +ayx;)dx,
t(asyj tax; )dy, + (a4 yj t dX; )do
+ (ds La Tant, da + (ay à Ta, )dx
Fico, TES Xy Xu 2X
Ij J
Li=x, (yy —y,) + y,(x —X,)