Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

! 2004 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
4.1 Balloon & Laser Scanning 
Topotech in cooperation with Praxilla's (www.praxilla.gr) & 
Lissippos' (www.lisippos.gr) Mensi GS100 Geodetic laser 
scanner will act to combine range data (laser scanner) with 
image data (balloon system). Praxilla is a telecom supporting 
company and Lisippos is a Consulting Engineering Firm. Both 
companies are high technology companies. This cooperation 
aims in the integration of both data sources that will produce 
high quality and accuracy Virtual Reality Models and 
Perspective Views in order to promote and advertise the Greek 
Moreover, until the 
& Lissippos' laser scanner 
4.2 Unmanned Air Vehicle 
Topotech is also constructing a large (2.5m wingspan) 
Unmanned Air Vehicle. This UAV, RPV type carries a smart 
navigation system, transmits telemetry data and images. The 
characteristics of the final version of this system will be ground 
pre-programmed, an autonomous flight, manual take-off and 
landing and will be presented by the end of 2004 in Athens. 
Flight tests performed were very promising. Two projects 
regarding provincial road planning were delivered until now. 
This carries the Hasselblad semi-metric camera but this will 
change in the ncar future. 
Image 13: The RPV, UAV Unmann 
ed Air Vehicle at the old 
Marathon Airport. 
Topotech's special balloon construction aims in the full 3-D 
photogrammetric integration of Archaeological Surveys. This 
photogrammetric bundle performs mini aerial photogrammetric 
acquisition over Archaeological Monuments with high accuracy 
and image analysis. This type of mini-aerial-photogrammetry 
was proved to be valuable in excavations, site recording and 
monument conservation. Future plans include the full 
integration of an UAV.

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