Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

- As for spatial data, functions enabling various operations 
with the 3D model are included in the proposal of IS. The 
functions allow interactive work with the model (movement in 
virtual space, identification of elements); work with a detailed 
model of an element (browse); visualization (making views); 
viewing animations (walk through, movement of elements, 
exchange of scenes, interrelations of elements). The baroque 
theatre is a stable system with a limited number of elements. 
The demands for editing spatial data will not be so frequent. 
- Non — geometric data referred to element are constituted 
by textual information (mainly BIF), photo-documentation (BIF 
and others), video (rehearsal, panoramic view etc.), sounds, 
drawings (technical drawing of elements and their relations 
etc. ). 
Main features of subsystems: 
SM - collects complete set of data from selected funds. 
SR - attention is given not only to elements, but especially to 
their interrelations, dependencies. 
SP — its main feature is interactive work with a spatial model, 
which facilitates intuitive recognition of the site by the user. 
2.4.3 Technical solution: The technical solution will be 
based on the results, which were mentioned in chapter 2.3.1. 
The requirements for the technical solution could be grouped 
into three groups — operating, technological, data. The operating 
group concerns requirements for low budget (hardware and 
software), easy and intuitive operating. The technological group 
concerns utilisation of network technology, open source 
software and convenient database organisation. The data group 
concerns utilisation of standard data format, metadata, security 
of data, multilingualism. 
2.5 Functional prototype of IS 
Realisation of a functional prototype (with sample data, see 
2.4.1) is the present stage of the project. During this stage we 
are gradually solving basic technological topics: 
- spatial data — formats, conversion, interactivity 
- . interconnection of geometrical and non-geometrical data 
- technical solution of IS — network, database 
- . functional prototype — realisation, testing 
Spatial data: we are now concerned with spatial data, its 
formats, format conversions and interactive work with this type 
of data. The existing 3D model is in DGN format. This format is 
not so convenient for the purposes of proposed IS. Existing 
formats of spatial data (VRML, VET, and X3D) were analysed 
and VRML format was selected. VRML is a standard format of 
spatial data on Internet and experiences with its use are good. 
Conversion of formats is sometimes very problematic. The 3D 
model of the theatre is complex and it comprises both the 
interior and the exterior of the building. Two approaches of 
conversion are tested — standard export to dxf — optimization 
of dxf (specialised SW) — export to VRML; export 
interactively controlled by user (directly DGN — VRML or 
DGN — dxf — VRML). The second approach needs creation of a 
special conversion program. Existing results of conversion are 
documented in figure 8. 
Creation of a set of tools for interactive work with this type of a 
model is a next step. It will allow e.g. measuring distances, 
work with layers, selection of elements etc. 
Searching for a suitable technological solution will be also the 
content of the forthcoming steps. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
Interconnection of geometrical and non-geometrical data: 
elements of the VRML model will have direct connection with 
additional data (see above). 
Technical solution of IS: future users will work with IS via the 
Internet. An appropriate layout of all types of data will have the 
most important role in the usability of IS. 
Functional prototype — realisation, testing: at the end of this 
stage, a functional prototype of IS will be built on the basis of 
technologies verified in previous steps and on consideration of 
its functionality. This prototype will be tested by a sample of 
future users. 
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Figure 8. VRML model — lower stage, machinery 
Results of project 
A functional prototype and information acquired by its testing 
will become the basis for the final proposal of a complex 
information system of a historical site. The final proposal and 
an appropriate technology will be results of the project. The 
realisation of a complex spatial information system is expected 
to follow afterwards. 
The presented project is focused on a cultural heritage area. The 
main aim of the project is creation of spatial IS of a particular 
historical site. The results of single stages of the project could 
be summarised in several points. 
- . The analyses were made on a selected sample of historical 
objects. The theme of the first analysis was current state in the 
management of the site. A special focus was put on the sources 
of data and their usage and on potential use of information 
technologies. The analysis in the field of presentation of cultural 
heritage sites on the Internet was also done. This was mainly 
focused on utilization of a 3D model and virtual reality. 
- Proposal of a conception of spatial IS was based on 
information acquired by analyses. Areas of utilization of 3D 
data (and IS) were defined and IS subsystems were drafted. 
These are aimed at site management, site research and site 
presentation. The subsystems have the same set of original data. 
The basic technical requirement is network technology. 
- Conclusions acquired during the previous stages were used 
in creation of a conception of IS for a specific site - the baroque 
theatre at Cesky Krumlov castle. Selection of an appropriate 
data set was done and a scheme of data for each subsystem was 
created. We were also concentrated on functionality of 
subsystems, bearing in mind work with spatial model and 
spatial information. 
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