Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

ul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
to the user the possibility to test the quality of the acquired 
L.S.R. 2004 is a completely automatic software package that 
only requires the operator interaction for some procedures in 
ical and 
me, the 
using a 
by just order to allow the maximum flexibility of the work.. 
The use of targeted points is the most affordable way to 
one to perform the registration of multiple scans. 
ind 3D L.S.R. 2004 software also offers the possibility of creating 
and managing the Solid Image, a new research product that 
opens the way to a series of new challenges in the 
architectural, archaeological and natural objects survey. 
| Figure 11. Trappistes (CH) — A rocks slope. Model after the 
| 3D modelling process. 
Figure 14. The Saint Jacques tower — Alléves — France — 
manage | 5 : 
Model after the alignment process. 
ntation | 
Figure 12. The Saint Jacques tower — Alléves — France — 
| Model before the alignment process. 
ifferent | 
Figure 15. The Saint Jacques tower — Alléves — France — 
a | EAN AN Model after the 3D modelling process. 
| Figure 13. The Saint Jacques tower — Alléves — France — The data coming out from the L.S.R. 2004 software ca be 
i | Model during the alignment process performed with LSR used for a correct 3D modelling using one of the well known 
2004. commercial softwares. 
S N e  L. Bornaz, A. Lingua, F. Rinaudo. High resolution 
| Theduse-aF femestrial luser?scatifticrs de de f : digital image orientation using laser scanner data 
2004 Gftenestrial feseroscanners for ois of - ISPRS Commission — Corfu September 2002 
| architectural and natural objects is the most promising 
techniques in order to achieve quick and complete 3D 
| information. 
The data coming from the laser scanner instruments can not 
| be used without a correct approach. 
The algorithms developed by L.S.R. 2004 software offer the 
| possibility of carrying out all the needed procedures offering 
eo  L. Bornaz, S.Dequal. The solid image: A new 
concept and its applications - ISPRS Commission 
V, WGV/4 — Ancona 01-03 July 2003 
e  L. Bornaz, A. Lingua, F. Rinaudo. Multiple scan 
registrution in LIDAR close range applications - 
ISPRS Commission V, WGV/4 — Ancona 01-03 
July 2003 

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