International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
Figure 3. The stereo pair of package scaled model
The second approach is based on an assumption that all cuts
(circles) lie approximately in one plane. Then image
orthotransformation to this reference plane gives metric scaled
map of the front side of package with known scale factor. So it
is possible to perform plane measurements to have adequate
Figure 4. The orthophoto of the package scaled model
Fig.4. presents the orthophoto of the package produced basing
on the reference plane and left image. In the orthophoto the cuts
look like circles.
The algorithm for automated circles recognition in the images
was developed. It was used for cut detection and subsequent
measurements. Below the description of image analysis
algorithm is presented.
3.2 Image analysis algorithm
The image analysis algorithm based on the original circle
detection technique (Knyaz V., 2000). The complete procedure
of image analysis for one frame includes the following steps:
|. Forming of intensity gradient field
2. Testing hypotheses from discrete space of circle
parameters (2x2D-accumulator)
3. 2x2D-accumulator analysis: determination of circles"
4. Constructing a minimal convex covering for a set of
extracted circles
5. Reconstruction of non-detected circles
6. Computation of required area parameters
These steps are briefly described bellow.
3.2.1 Forming an intensity gradient field: The intensity
gradient field is implemented as two 2D arrays: array of
gradients in x-direction and array of gradients in y-direction. It
1s formed as follows:
e Evaluation of gradients by Sobel operator;
e Elimination of weak gradients;
e Thinning of gradient field.
The Sobel operator is a well-known image processing
procedure. It allows the determination of both magnitude and
orientation of image intensity gradients at the each pixel of
image. Elimination of weak gradients means that the elements
of gradient field with gradient magnitude less than some
threshold to be set to zero.
Thinning of gradient field is a procedure that eliminates all
points of gradient field those are not the local maxima in their
directions. This procedure makes the contours of objects as
sharp as possible. Practically, at this stage, the gradient field
may be considered as a contour image supported with gradient
values at each contour point.
3.2. Testing hypotheses from discrete space of circle
parameters (2x2D-accumulator): At this step, the each point
of area of interest is tested as a possible center of circle. This
testing presumes the following operations:
e Collecting a number of appropriate contour points for each
value of possible circle radius in some given range;
e Normalizing this numbers as percents of circle length for
corresponding radii;
e Finding the best radius that corresponds to the maximum
percentage value.
The “appropriate contour point” means here that the angle
between the radius vector from this point to center point and the
gradient vector in this point is small enough. Normalizing of
numbers is performed, because the possible number of points on
discrete circle depends on its length.
The best hypothesis for tested point is stored in a special 2x2D-
accumulator. The accumulator of hypotheses is implemented as
two 2D-arrays those geometry corresponds to the geometry of
source image. One accumulator array R(x,y) contains the radius
of probable circle for this center point (x,y) and the other array
N(x,y) contains the corresponding number of points on the
circle contour.
Figure. 5. Example of function of a number of appropriate
contour points for each value of possible circle radius
3.2.5 2x2D-accumulator analysis: determination of
circles’ locations: The procedure of 2x2D-accumulator analysis
performs the iterative search of local maxima according to the
following algorithm:
Step 1. Find the global maximum of N(x.y) array
Step 2. Put the circle with (x,y) center and R(x,y) radius into the
list of circles.
Step 3. If (N(x, y R(x,y)«Percentage, Ratio)
stop the search.
clear the accumulator in the round neighborhood of
(x,y) with R(x,y) radius and go to step |.
This procedur
circles until al
be put in a list.
Figure.6. Th
3.2.4 Const
extracted circ
geometry. The
connected wit.
points. Due to
arcs of circle:
However, we
allows repres:
polygon witho
in three steps:
e Find the m
e Find the m
e Expand th
vector from m:
Our experimer
Figure. 7. Mi