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deflection of the vertical (n)=1".78) in Potsdam/Germany is 
assumed to be the base point that the ellipsoid and geoid are 
coincident and the geodetic and astronomic coordinates are 
same. There is a shift up to a couple of hundred meters between 
the reference ellipsoid used in this system and the Earth's center 
of mass (Lenk and Firat, 2001). 
3.2 World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84) 
It is a terrestrial reference system used for GPS positioning by 
the US Department of Defense. Earth related satellite positions 
in GPS navigation message are announced in this system. 
WGS-84 is a conventional terrestrial reference system (NIMA, 
WGS-84, at the same time, embodies physical properties of the 
carth gravity field. 
It is a terrestrial system and its origin is the Earth’s center of 
mass. Z axis is parallel to the mean Earth axis which was 
defined for 1984.0 epoch by the International Time Bureau 
(BIH); X axis is the intersection of the Reference Longitude 
Plane defined by BIH and equatorial plane. Y axis is 
perpendicular to the X and Z axes at the Earth’s center of mass 
in the manner of forming a right-hand system (Harita Forum, 
3.3 International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) 
In Turkey, ED-50 was used until 2001 and since then ITRF 
started to be used. 
ITRF is a dynamic network which depends on a model 
assuming point coordinates, point movement velocities and all 
plates on Earth’s crust move. It is a highly accurate reference 
network. ITRF is used to be able to eliminate deformations in 
national triangulation and leveling networks at application 
works, and benefit from GPS and new technologies at 
maximum level. 
Since ITRF is updated at certain years, abbreviation is written 
as ITRFyy in the present day. “yy” represents last two digits of 
related year (Pirti, 2005). 
Map sheets produced from the result of cadastral studies have 
the characteristics of infrastructure and preserve their state. 
Within the body of the General Directorate of Land Registry 
and Cadastre, map sheets using various methods 
(photogrammetric and terrestrial) have been produced from 
1925 to the present day (TKGM Turkish National 
Transformation Project Report 2008). 
4.1 Photo Plans 
They are the 1/5,000 scaled map sheets produced for the 
purpose of photogrammetric mapping by photogrammetric 
methods using air photos obtained at picture scale by removing 
the errors partially or putting to no direct evaluation. There are 
around 1800 map sheets of this type within the archive of 
TKGM. Parcels under a particular size limit are measured and 
then transferred to these maps with the values. Maps are used as 
base plate for both restriction and detection studies. Digitization 
of these maps has been done by directorates for 5-6 years and 
values obtained from digitization results are used only for area 
calculation. Points obtained by the result from digitization of 
these maps alter with respect to scanning and application errors 
and this error rate is not less than 5-6 m in every point. Besides, 
the scale difference between the middle and corner of the 
image, rectification errors and interpretation errors are added on 
as well. Even it is claimed that scanning old images by a high 
resolution scanner and evaluating these scanned images by 
digital photogrammetric methods result in obtaining good 
values, there is a fact that error of these values is 1,5-2 m, and 
interpretation and digitization errors are added on as well. 
4.2 Map Sheets Produced by Photogrammetric Method 
They are the map sheets which are obtained by the help of 
transformation of the reasonably distributed ground control 
points on flight area, after the evaluation of approximately 
1/16,000 scaled air photos obtained at the image scale in the 
purpose of photogrammetric map production by either analogue 
or digital methods. The most accurate result could be +2 m from 
the numeric values obtained by reading coordinates from line 
4.3 Map Sheets Produced in Local Coordinate System 
They are the map sheets which are produced with respect to 2D 
plane coordinate system by accepting any starting point as 
origin. Best values produced by this method contain detail 
measurements done at ground control points generated using 
zoning coordinates. Line maps produced by this method are 
with local quality and the accuracy of produced coordinate 
values alters with respect to benchmark accuracy and talent and 
devotion of surveyor. As map sheets produced by this method 
are with local quality, they cannot be combined with other local 
network. In case they are combined, serious technical errors and 
non-recoverable legal consequences appear. In these maps, lack 
of structural measurement, uncontrolled measurement, edging 
and misrepresentation of ground exist apart from many error 
4.4 Map Sheets Produced by Graphic Method 
They are the cadastral line map sheets which do not have 
coordinate information and grid network on it and produced by 
terrestrial surveying method. Most of map sheets were produced 
by this method until 1970. Map sheets produced by this method 
contain the most valuable places of residential areas. The 
biggest disadvantages of these map sheets are absence of 
ground control points on ground at application, hugeness of 
translation and rotation in x and y directions, irregularity of 
translation and rotation at these points, lack of translation and 
rotation quantity knowledge, edging with neighbor map sheets 
problem and having minimum point position accuracy of 2-3 m. 
As indicated above, since these map sheets are applied at large 
cities’ centers and despite renewing most of these places 
through town planning and because of arising a huge increase in 
parcel value at remaining arcas, these parcels cause serious 
troubles to implementers. In addition to changing error source 
with respect to each surveyor, errors such as lack of structural 
measurement, uncontrolled measurement, drawing and area 
calculation errors, edging and misrepresentation of ground exist. 
4.5 Map Sheets Produced based on National Coordinate 
System (ED-50) 

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