Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

We designed a new template matching algorithm based on the 
following considerations. In images at Im resolution, road 
centerlines are appeared as curvilinear features and have 
distinctive brightness patterns compared to their surroundings. 
And hence, we could apply template matching along the road 
centerlines. Also we assumed that although there are geometric 
distortions we could model the geometric transformation 
between one point and the other on a road centerline as 
similarity transformation. Hence, if we draw a rectangular 
window centered on a point of a road centerline, we can define 
the corresponding window at another point of a road centerline 
by translating and rotating the rectangle (see figure 1) 
Template Window 5 
Target Window 
Figure 1. The template and target window for road detection 
We can express the relationship between a template and a target 
window along a road centerline as below 
template cos 0 az y sin 0 * 5, — ssm Yomi ( 1) 
X target template 
5 T 
) x sin + y 
3 z—xY T 
4 target ““remplate 
cos +s, +scosb,, (2) 
where 8 
is the road orientation at the template point and s 
the shift distance along perpendicular to 9, ,, . Here, s, and 
s, are set to indicate the distance in x and y direction, 
respectively, between the template and initial guess. They 
remain constant through iteration. Least squares correlation 
matching assuming this similarity transformation can be 
derived (Kim et al., 2004) 
Our road centerline tracking algorithm works as follows. First, 
a user provides an input point on a road centerline. This point 
will be used as the center of a template window. It is important 
for a user to select a point on a road centerline in order to track 
valid road centerlines. Next, we estimate the orientation of the 
road. We tried two methods for estimating the orientation of 
road at a user's input point: automatic and manual. The 
automatic method was to apply automatic line extraction 
method to the image and then to calculate the orientation of the 
line segment nearby the initial input point. The manual method 
was to get another input point from a user and to calculate the 
orientation of the line connecting the two input points. Valid 
line segments were extracted and valid road orientations were 
estimated in most cases. However, in order to ensure our 
algorithm can work for all times, we need the manual 
Next, based on the user input point on a road centerline and its 
orientation, a template and initial target windows are generated. 
A template window is defined whose center is at the user input 
point and whose orientation is aligned to the road orientation. 
An initial target window is generated by shifting the template 
window to the direction of road. 
Next, least squares correlation. maiching is applied. The 
position and orientation of target window is updated iteratively. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
Once matching is completed the location of a new road 
centerline and its orientation are achieved (see figure 2). Then 
our algorithm checks whether there are more points to consider 
or not. If so, a new target window is defined by shifting the 
matched target window further to the orientation of matched 
target window. 
The position of initial guess 
Initial Target Window 
Template Window 
Matched Target Window 
Position and orientation updated 
Figure 2. The definition of initial target window and matched 
target window 
The procedure of least squares correlation matching and the 
creation of new target window repeat. A series of least squares 
correlation matching generate successive points on a road 
centerline and in this way tracking road centerline is achieved 
through least squares correlation matching (see figure 10). 
Due to the nature of template matching scheme, one complete 
road is sometimes extracted as several road segments. To 
overcome this limitation, we have developed user-friendly post 
processing algorithm for connecting, deleting and editing road 
User can connect two split segments as one. Template matching 
sometimes splits one road segment into two or more segments. 
These segments are connected by user's manual selection and 
connected segments are saved as identical segment. 
Occasionally, template matching exposes to matching fail 
points. In this case, a user selects a fail point, and then deletes 
them. A user can also edit a road segment by inserting and 
shifting additional match points to the segment. 
We designed a new building extraction algorithm based on line 
analysis and template matching. We assume that a user will 
provide a starting position of our algorithm. A user must click 
one point which lies inside of a building object to be extracted. 
This is not a very sophisticated requirement. But this is indeed 
very useful for eliminating many ambiguities and false alarms 
associated with fully automated approaches. 
Our algorithm works in three parts. The first part is the 
extraction of lines from the subimage centred on the user-given 
initial position (as explained in section 3.1). The second part is 
the estimation of the position and orientation of building 
boundaries from lines and the generation of building rectangles 
(see section 3.2). The third part is the template matching 
(section 3.3). The previously extracted building boundaries are 
defined as a template and a least squares matching is applied to 
extract buildings with similar shapes. 
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