Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
the relationship between the building template and the real 
buildings as the similarity transformation (equations 1 and 2). 
The same least squares matching process can be applied. 
Through matching, the position and orientation of the building 
template is refined. Figure 9 explains this template matching 
The road detection algorithm proposed here was tested with Im 
resolution IKONOS images. Figure 10 shows one example of 
road centerline extraction on a typical highway. In the example, 
road orientation was estimated automatically by applying the 
line extraction algorithm. Once a user point was given, a series 
of matching was applied rightwards and leftwards. It shows that 
the least squares template matching we designed works. 
Figure 11 shows the results of road extraction over the whole 
test area. In this example, an operator provided a series of input 
points and road orientation was estimated using the input points. 
By the series of operator's input points, the centrelines from all 
major roads are extracted. There are still many roads in the 
figure that are not extracted. These are mostly small roads 
without centerlines. Such roads can be extracted by measuring 
start and end points of the road and by connecting the two 
points with a straight line. 
Figure 12 shows the results of building extraction from an 
IKONOS image by the proposed method. The left image is the 
results of the estimation of building rectangles by orientation 
and position voting process. By clicking one point on building 
roof, building rectangles are extracted automatically. No 
manual edition was applied. As mentioned before, short sides of 
buildings are not well detected. Sometimes, we observe false 
detections of even long sides of buildings, typically for those 
vertically aligned buildings in the left part of the image. This is 
due to the line extraction failure. Our method works only if 
there are valid line responses corresponding to the true building 
sides. For most cases our method correctly found the 
orientation and location of long sides of buildings. We argue 
that producing such results by only one input point from a user 
is very promising. 
The right image in figure 12 is the result of template matching 
using previously extracted building rectangle. First we apply 
the automated extraction and manual editing. We then used this 
result as building template. By clicking one point on building 
roof, template matching is initiated and the results shown in the 
image are obtained. These results are without manual rotation 
and translation. Only the manual editing of scaling was 
performed to adjust the different building length. 
We can see that the orientation of some buildings is slightly 
wrong. It seems the template matching we designed did not 
work properly as we intended for such cases. This is the current 
limitation of our algorithm. Nevertheless, by reusing the 
previously extracted building rectangles we generated those 
results almost automatically, which is also very promising. 
There are other limitations of our building extraction algorithm. 
It was not designed to work on small house buildings. Figure 13 
illustrates this. When we click on small buildings, sometimes a 
group of small buildings were extracted and sometimes 
arbitrary rectangles. Also, a user should click a point within 
building roof in order to get valid results. The right image in 
figure 13 says that even if a point is clicked on a road, the 
building extraction algorithm is still initiated and somehow 
generate rectangles. 
So far, we described the algorithm we developed to extract two 
major map objects from Im resolution images. Due to the 
limitation of page length, we could only briefly mention the 
theory, procedures and performance of the algorithms 
developed. We believe, nevertheless, that we have shown a fair 
amount of information can be retrieved from only one single 
image with very little manual intervention with carefully 
devised line analysis and template matching. 
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