Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part BS. Istanbul 2004 
recording-time (time of taking a picture), which is important 
during changeable weather conditions e.g. blasts of wind. In 
this project, the photogrammetric method was used for checking 
the tension strength. 
The classical photogrammetric method consists of basic stages: 
e taking a picture of the rope, usually with an orientated 
e measuring the rope in the photograph (usually 6 
points), transforming points’ coordinates to the rope’s 
system coordinates (with a known camera 
oe rendering the shape of the rope approximate to the 
catenary's model (equation 1 and figure 1), 
e calculating the horizontal tension strength component 
(equation 2) and, at times, also other parameters. 
X-a (YX-4) 
Z-b=%-(e tote + ) = k-cosh(== 23 (1) 
where: | Z, X — coordinates of the rope plane, 
a, b, k — catenary parameters, 
e — base of natural logarithm. 
where: Fx - horizontal tension strength component, 
k — catenary parameter, 
q -unit weight of the rope [N/m]. 
2.2 New approach 
Although the new method is based on the classical 
photogrammetric, its realisation has been thoroughly modified 
in this project. 
Main features of the new method are as follows: 
e using digital images (no-metric Kodak DCS camera 
760 — 2000/3000 pixels), 
e employing the photogrammetric method, 
* using new technological processing for measurement 
and computation, which will allow a maximal 
automation of all stages, 
e a large number of points (even thousands) measured 
in order to determine the shape of the rope, 
e using the plain projective transformation for sensor 
There are two main stages of this processing: 
e terrain geodetic survey, 
* both the automating and computing process. 
The first stage deals with the setting out of control points, 
which should be set into a vertical plane of the rope. The points 
should form a polygon so that the rope is placed inside of it. 
The polygon should be as regular as possible. If possible, the 
control points should form a regular square-shaped pattern 
throughout all of the rope-area. This guarantees a minimal 
number of transformation errors. 
Practical experiments show that a typical theodolite (e.g. Theo 
010) is enough to set the control points into a vertical plane of 
the rope. No special precision instruments are needed. Although 
a large number of control points seems to be an advantage, this 
task is difficult in its practical realisation. The stay-rope is 
usually a very high object — several dozen meters — therefore, 
setting out points around it is almost an acrobatic task. A 
compromise between precision requirements and reality should 
be made, although six points in one picture is a practical 
minimum (a minimum of four is required for planar projective 
transformation but this does not allow error evaluation). 
The second stage, which constitutes the main part of my 
PhD research, consists of three stages: 
e measuring the rope and control points on a digital 
e transforming points’ coordinates from the image to 
the rope plane, 
e calculating the horizontal tension strength component. 
At first glance it may seem similar to the stages employed in the 
traditional photogrammetric method but the realisation is 
entirely different. All stages of the processing are illustrated in 
figure 2. 
ur do DH.) 
| | 
Setting out and Taking a picture 
surveying of control CLE LN 
Coordinates of 
control points 
e measuring of rope on image, 
e. measuring of control points on image, 
e transformation of points of rope, 
e calculation of catenary parameters. 
horiz. tension 
Repeatingof?^7 77 77————— 
procedure NO Is a tension 
Figure 2: Processing stages of the correction of the stay-rope 
tension strength. 
The terrain geodetic survey involves the setting out and 
surveying of the control points. The points should be set in a 
way that they can fit into the rope plane. For the sake of 
simplicity, usually two of them are chosen as the upper and the 
lower catch of the rope. Others are artificial control points 
marked with signals placed on a tripod and on the construction 
of the tower. It is of great importance to remember that the 
points should be placed around the rope so that the whole 
measured part of the rope is placed inside the polygon formed 

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