Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 5)

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first derivative, c) 
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calculated at every 
s carried out. 
rt BS. Istanbul 2004 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXX V, Part B5. Istanbul 2004 
In a more detailed description, in the first course, the procedure 
starts from the starting point and forwards every single pixel 
until the end point. The position on the rope (according to the 
catenary equation) is calculated for every pixel. In this position, 
raster image analysis is carried out in a strip of a pixel. The 
length of the analysed strip constitutes the parameter of an 
algorithm and can be changed from 21 to 49 pixels (only an odd 
number of pixels in strips is allowed ). 
Figure 5: The result of the line following algorithm execution. 
Rope points identified by the algorithm are marked white. In 
some areas points could not be identified properly and they 
were filtered out. 
The analysed strip of a pixel is placed vertically (along a 
column — figure 6) or horizontally (along a row). The placement 
of the strip depends on the angle between the lines made by the 
first and the third point of the approximate rope placement and 
the row direction (inclination angle). When the angle is bigger 
than 45 degrees, the strip is placed horizontally, when it is 
smaller than or equal to 45 degrees, the strip is placed 
vertically. The middle of the strip is put exactly in the position 
calculated by the catenary equation (for three approximate 
points). Strip placements are calculated for every pixel along 
abscissa (row or column depending on inclination angle). The 
described situation is shown in figure 6. During the analysis, 
inflection points of the function of the rope's image are found 
by means of the first derivative (see figure 4 b — extremes of 
function). In an actual implementation of an algorithm, two sets 
of points are stored, one for the left edge of the rope and the 
second for the right edge of the rope. The average positions (left 
and right edges) are calculated according to the beginning of the 
analysed strip (equation 3). 
> di 
where: D, — average position, 
n — number of pixels, 
d; — i" distance between beginning of strip and 
inflection position, in pixels. 
D (3) 
Figure 6: The scheme of the rope image analysis for an angle 
between the 2-3 line and row direction of less than 45° (analysis 
along the column). a) — À single analysed strip magnification, 
the position of the left and right inflection points marked by 
black points. 
In the second course, after all approximate inflection 
points positions for the left and right edge of the rope have been 
recorded and the averages have been calculated, exact sub pixel 
positions of the rope (highest points of the hump in figure 2 or 
4a) are determined with a second derivative. 
Practical experience shows that in some areas 
miscalculations may occur. Such points are eliminated by the 
filtering execution. Eliminated points are not taken into 
consideration for further processing. Such filtering consists of 
the eliminating of blunders by checking whether the value of 
the deviation exceeds the threshold. The value of the threshold 
is the parameter of the procedure and its value is set 
The filtering process takes place during the second course 
of the algorithm. At every analysed strip placement (the same 
as in the first course), sub pixel positions of the right and left 
inflection points are determined by a linear interpolation of the 
second derivative — figure 4c). Absolute differences between 
such positions and the averages calculated in the first course are 
compared to its threshold value. When at least one of them 
exceeds it, both are eliminated. The exact sub pixel position of 
the rope (ridge of the hump) for elementary strip placement is 
the average of sub pixel positions of both inflection points. The 
resulting set of rope points’ coordinates is stored for further 
A more detailed description of the algorithm can be found 
in my PhD thesis, which is available in the AGH library — 
(University of Science and Technology in Krakow.) 
Miscalculated points (which have to be filtered out) occur 
in areas with a weak contrast between the rope and its 
background. Very good results are achieved from the areas with 
a homogeneous background and sufficient differences in grey 
values of the pixels between the rope and the background. The 
final result of the line following algorithm is shown in figure 5 
(homogeneous and non-homogeneous areas can be identified). 
As a significant magnification of image noise constitutes one of 
the features of derivatives, a noise eliminating filter (low pass) 
is advised to be run/employed beforehand [5]. 
Another detail worth mentioning here is that in the line 
following algorithm, an assumption has been made that the line 
in the image can be modelled with catenoid equation (equation 
1). In other words, the catenoid after the projective 
transformation still remains a catenoid. Although this has never 
been proved in theory, practical results show that this may be 
the case. 
Experiments for a practical verification of the elaborated 
system have been carried out. Pictures were taken from the 
terrain test field. The stay-out ropes of the laundry chimney of 
the Military Hospital in Wroclawska Street in Kraków were 
chosen as a test field (figure 7). The test field was quite small: 
the vertical length component of the rope was 21.2 m long and 
the horizontal length component of the rope was 17.6 m long. 
Eight control points were set out into rope's plane, as marked in 
figure 7. The rope was measured by three methods: 
e The geodetic survey method (with theodolite), 

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