between the observer and the midpoint of the legion, which can
be obtained easily during frustum-culling test, is used by LOD
management mechanism to prevent duplication. Occlusion
culling could also be useful. Some topographic features like
high hills or deep valleys may block objects behind or inside
them. We have not implemented this control yet. It is also
another future work for this study.
2.2.2 Moving Over Terrain: Rendering of bipeds or
quadrupeds that are moving on non-flat surfaces is a
challenging issue. On rough terrain segments where slope is
high, feet of virtual characters may seem to sink or rise unless
exact actions of the alive are modeled. This problem is
inevitable when key-framed animations prepared for flat
surfaces are used as in our case. Shifting few centimeters above
from ground level considering the degree of slope may decrease
the effect of this problem since V-eye cannot easily perceive
little rise from ground. Sink/rise problem is tolerable when the
degree of slope is small even if no precautions are taken.
Os \
few centimeters
a P
Figure 4. Sink/rise problem
In order to model actions such as walking, it is necessary to
calculate the actual three-dimensional position of each foot. The
exact height of a point on terrain model can be calculated by
using plane geometry. Choosing triangles as a primitive to
construct terrain model simplifies the calculation of height of
the point on terrain. Below is the method that can be used to get
height of a point on terrain model when horizontal coordinate
pair is provided.
e Find the triangle on which the point lies.
e Get vertex coordinates of the triangle.
e Calculate the normal vector of the triangle by using
the Equation 1.
e Calculate the plane-shift constant value of the triangle
by using the Equation 2.
e (Calculate the height value by using the Equation 3.
NUE UF) (1)
Ds NV, NEN, Q)
where N-normal vector of the plane
Vi, V5. V3=vertices of the triangle in vector form
D=plane-shift constant
Py, Py, P,=3D coordinates of the point
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B5. Istanbul 2004
In order to decrease the computational cost we calculated the
normal vectors and plane-shift constants of every triangle of the
terrain model and kept these pre-calculated values in memory.
During an animation it is also necessary to calculate the new
position of the virtual character in every frame. We used
Equation 4 to calculate step distance for every animation frame.
For faster operation pre-calculated slope values of the triangles
should be better kept in computer memory. Equation 5 is used
for getting new horizontal position of the virtual character,
Finally by using Equation 3 vertical coordinate can be
extracted. This operation is conducted only for objects inside
viewing frustum.
; 1000 AS
SD = .cos a (4)
3600 FR
n 0
P. =P, +8SD cosf £
n 0 C
P; ZZ Pr SD sin fj
where a=slope angle
SD= step distance
AS=average speed in km/hour
FR=frame rate in 1 second
B=heading angle
P^, P?-new and old position.
2.2.3 Behavior Simulation: Simulation of crowd
behaviors is a popular research area since more and more
crowded scenes are being included in real-time animation
applications. Autonomous agents in VE increase the level of
realism. When we examine the conceptual and technical
requirements of multi-agent systems we can see that we are
facing a task that is not straightforward. First of all variety of
individual agents’ visualizations and behaviors such as variety
of individual trajectories for the group traveling along the same
path, variety of the animations for agents having same behavior
or different reactions of individuals facing the same situations is
needed. This prevents monotony of the scenes that include same
individuals with the same behaviors. Multi agent models require
more computational sources, which linearly (agent-environment
interaction) or quadratically (agent-agent interaction) increase
with the number of simulated agents (Ulincy & Thallman,
2001). In our study we did not focus on the AI of virtual crowds
since our primary aim is achieving high frame rates at crowded
scenes. Collision has avoided by assigning same average speed
and direction to each group. Virtual characters are arranged to
have the same motion type: walk, idle, wait etc. The user can
also externally guide the total crowd or sub groups by changing
motion type, direction and average speed. Our implementation
is crowd animation rather than crowd simulation.
2.2.4 Sample Scene: We generated a VE to measure the
rendering performance of the study. In this VE 10.000 animated
soldiers walk in groups of 100 legions over non-flat terrain
model which consists of 524288 triangles. Each soldier model
is made up of 700-1000 triangles. Test PC configurations and
rendering results are given in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.
Number of soldiers in the viewing frustum is rounded.